Sweet tooth

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Being on a kinky brain was not something Liv was very used too. Yet here she was. Her and Peyton had ideas for a date but due to the brain Liv was on, Peyton and her decided to eat in.

While they were watching the movie, Liv couldn't help but stare at Peyton. And Peyton being Peyton felt someone starring at her, "You okay, Liv?" She asks "It's just.. This brain im on" Liv says "What did the person do?" Peyton asks "They were a porn star who happened to be very kinky?" Liv said causing Peyton to look at her shocked "You're serious?!" Peyton asks with a smile "Yep" Liv replies "Oh my-" Peyton says biting her lip "It's weird, right?" Liv asks a bit sadly.

"HELL NO- no- I meant, no" Peyton says before composing herself. "You sounded too excited about that. Are you okay?" Liv asks causing Peyton to put down her box of fried rice, "No, it's just.." Peyton trails off as Liv places a hand on her thigh, urging her to continue. "I may or may not be getting turned on?" Peyton says "Really?" Liv said with a smile.

"I've also might've taken a bit of that brain you're on?" Peyton says "And let's just say I have sweet tooth for something other than candy" Peyton says heading for Liv's room. And of course, Liv followed.

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