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Rick's pov:

We walked into the city. "Okey guys. We're gonna get merle and then get the bag. Understood?" I said to everyone. Everyone nodded.

We began to walk through the city, carefull for walkers. We arrived at the building where merle was left. We got inside and we all went to the stairs. Daryl was in the front and i was right behind him. We where almost there. We got to the door and we cut open the chain. Daryl pushed open the door and we where met with an empty roof. I saw how all the hope drained from daryls face and was replaced with anger.

Daryl's pov:

I run onto the roof. No merle. I looked around and still nothing. I looked at rick with rage. He took a step towards me. "Daryl, I'm sorry. I don't know where he is" He said. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. YOU CUFFED HIM TO THE FUCKING ROOF" I yelled. Rick tried to huge but I punched him in his face. He stumbled back and everyone got there guns out. "Hey guns down" Rick shouted. I took a deep breath and just fell to my knees. Rick got up to me and hugged me. I silently sobbed into his shoulder. After I got myself together I pulled away and rick helped me up. We went inside and made a plan.

We where now walking through the streets. Glenn and I where waiting in a aley. We saw rick run to us and he turned back when he saw more walkers. Just as I wanted to say something to Glenn I felt something hit me. I fell down unconscious.

I woke up to rick shaking me and calling my name. "Daryl. Daryl wake up" He said and I opened my eyes and he helped me up. Once I was on my feet he hugged me. "Damn it. I thought you where dead" He said and pulled away. We all stood up and went to get Glenn.

We had one of theres so we went and made a trade. After we found out those where just some old people we gave they some meds and went on our way.


we where on our way back when we hear screams. We all ran as fast as we could. Once we got there we where met by walkers all over the place. I pulled out my knifes and began to kill them.

After they where all dead we saw that Amy was dead. Andrea finished her. I just sat down on the ground and felt a hand on my back. "You did great" Rick said and I just shrugged.

After we burned the bodies we began to make a plan. "So we're heading to CDC" Rick said confident. Everyone agreed except Shane.

3rd pov:

They argued for a moment and then decided. "We're leaving tomorrow." Rick said. He just nodded. He was sitting against a tree still thinking about merle. How he would tease him because of rick. And how he would probably punch him if he knew that daryl liked how rick was treating him. He chuckled to himself not noticing Shane infront of him. "What you laughing at faggot" Shane said with a voice full of anger. "Not your god damn business cunt. And 'm not a damn fagot" daryl spat at him. Shane clenched his jaw and kicked daryl in the head which wasn't difficult seeing that he was sitting. Daryl fell over but got up fairly quickly. He punched Shane in the face. Making him stumble backwards. As Shane tried to punch him he saw rick running to them. "Hey. Knock it off" Rick yelled at them but they didn't listen. Daryl launched at Shane tackling him to the ground. Shane got to punch daryl in the face and daryl went mad on him. He began to punch him without any thoughts. As he was punching he felt something grab him. He punched without thoughts. The person who grabbed him stumbled back. He didn't know who it was but he didn't care. He got back to punching Shane. Just once he heard kids crying he froze. He realised what he has done. He slowly got up and turned around just to see a rick with a bloody nose. Daryl slowly backed up towards a tree and sat against it. His hands bloody and shaking.

Daryl's pov:

I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched. "It's okey. It's just me" I heard Rick's voice. I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. "I'm sorry" I mumbled. "I know." Rick said and sat down with me. "Why did you punch him?" He asked me. I hesitated but eventually gave in. "I chuckled at a memory and he thought it was about him he called me a faggot and I called him a cunt then he kicked me and I punched him. And the rest you saw." I explain calmly. "Okey I understand it partly. I just don't really know what a faggot is" Rick admitted smiling. I chuckled a bit and then turned to him. "Basically a gay guy. But offensive" I say and see Rick's face go a bit confused. "So you called him a cunt because he called you gay?" Rick questioned. "Nah. I don't mind that I mind that he used the offensive way" I say and see a bit of relief on his face. "I will talk to him," Rick said and got up. I watched as he left.

I sat there for about a hour or so. I eventually heard Carol shout. "Breakfast is ready" I didn't get up. I didn't want to eat. I saw everyone getting there food and I saw rick talk to carol. After a moment he nodded and took two plates. He sat beside me and put one of the plates on my lap. "No" I simply said. "Yes daryl. Now eat" He said but I ignored him. I pushed the plate off my lap to the ground. "Daryl for fucks sake. Just eat" Rick said annoyed. I just got up and walked away.

I sat down by the river. It was silent. I sat there for a hour or so before rick came and sat beside me. "Daryl. What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. Just thinking" I said and I felt his hand on mine. I pulled my hand away and looked at him. He had a confused and shocked expression. "Daryl, did I do something or?" Rick asked. "Nah. It's nothing really" I say and turn to look forward. I felt rick move more towards me and our shoulders where now touching. "I spoke to shane" "okey" he was silent for a moment. "He went onto me, how I'm protecting you and that I forget that I have a family to take care of. He also called me a bitch. And said I couldn't take care of my family even if I wanted" He said and I felt bad. He had to listen to that because of me. "I'm sorry" I mumbled silently. "Don't be. It's not your fault" He answered reassuring. "Yes it is. If not me you wouldn't have to speak to him" I say and feel his arm wrapped around my shoulders. He hugged me tightly against himself. "It's not on you daryl. It was my choice to talk to him" He said and I just melted into his touch. "Can we go back. And please just eat something before we go" He pleaded me. I just nodded. Rick got up and helped me up aswel.

We went back and rick grabbed a plate with food and sat us down. He gave me the plate and I slowly began to eat. I looked up and saw a smiling carol. I looked at rick who was looking towards carl and smiling at the playing boy. I looked back at the plate and continued to eat. As I was halfway eating my breakfast I felt a hand on my lower back. I tensed up at the touch. "Hey, relax. It just me" Rick whispered in my ear and I instantly relaxed. I ate the rest and looked at rick. "Good job. Come on. We're going" He said and stood up as he took my plate. He gave the plate to carol and took my hand.

He gently pulled it to make me stand up. I did and he began to walk towards a tree. Once there he sat down still holding my hand. I just stood there a bit confused. "Come on just sit down" He said smiling. I did as he said and sat down. He let go of my hand and put is on my thigh. "We have a moment. We are going to leave soon though." Rick said smiling. "Oh shit. I need get my stuff" I say and am about to stand up but rick stops me. "I already did that for you" He said and I relaxed.

We sat like that for a while until Shane came up to us. "Hey love birds. We're leaving" He said and we got up. "You ride with me" Rick told me and we walked to his car where carl and Lori were sitting on the backseat. I got in the front and rick in the drivers seat. And we drove off.

I think I begin to really like this story:)

the first to tame a dixon (rick x daryl)Where stories live. Discover now