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"inaudible Demonic laughter" -Cosmic faker

"If it wasn't for ayin the ein sof breaking the lock that was sealing my old memories and Powers I wouldn't Have been this way but thanks to her I am Now Even more powerful than before I am The prime Faker and I Am one and The forth of the prime evils that existed before demons and devil's came to be Before Satan" -Prime faker

"You may have gotten your old memories and Powers unlocked but be warned You will face The might of a archangel Demon don't forgot that we angels have our own Special forms just like you demons have the devil trigger" -Luther to prime Faker

Note:The faker is The forth prime evil to exist

Cosmic faker(Future faker)

Description:Cosmic/Prime Faker comes from the future where the faker had made a deal with the entity known as "God" however he had Fallen After being defeated by two Anomalies The inferno and Zero after they fused together and became a new entity named (Redacted) to defeat him however once he had Fallen to earth He had been transported somewhere and he had met Someone Named "ayin the ein sof" Gods opposite and a Pre existential Who recognized the faker as one of the prime evils and The faker didnt know what she was talking about until she found out that his old memories and Powers were locked Away in the deepest Part of his mind with a lock however she had broke the lock unsealing all his old memories and Powers making him Far more powerful than before becoming a dangerous threat

Appearance:used to have the appearance of a Scary terrifying tall black Creature with large claws with sharp edges and with endless blackened eyes with red dots in the center But now his body is Cosmic like With stars galaxies and Solar systems in them after his deal with "God" and Has a Black Tar like substance dripping from his sockets

Race:Prime evil demon(One of the first demons to exist and He Had found out his true origins after Speaking to Ayin the ein sof and Finding out that his old prime evil memories and Powers were locked in his mindscape thankfully ayin broke the lock unsealing his old memories and Powers making him Far more powerful than before with his cosmic like powers and his Old Powers combined)


Height(In True!Faker): Incomprehensible

Age:Unknown(due to being a prime evil demon he's a lot older than Satan along with the other prime evils)

Personality:Cosmic/prime Faker retains his old personality

Powers:the same but more Powerful and stronger from being given unimaginable power by "God" and his old prime evil powers and His durability has Increased to unmeasurable Levels making him nearly invulnerable to all attacks

Special Abilities/Transformations:Devil trigger Sin Devil Trigger Anomalous Growth Rate(Grows Exponentially Stronger and Powerful Through Each Battle he's Fought)


Weakness:cosmic/Prime Faker retains His old weaknesses But Now it's only just fire and Ice

Goals/hobbies:Cosmic/Prime Faker retains his old goals and Hobbies


T.R.U.E Faker(In this form The fakers prime evil like true form is revealed to be a endless mass of demonic like cosmic black tar This was stated by him and ayin to be his True form and Which makes him special amongst the other 3 prime evils He has Mastered this form to its full extent now capable of manipulating and Controlling The tar to A Omniversal degree such as Manifesting in the form of a Humanoid shape and creating creatures and Anything out of it making him Invulnerable and Indestructible to all attacks thrown at him)

Titles:The Faker Prime Faker(Old Title given to him by Ayin)The Cosmic Devil the cosmic faker,The Tar Demon(As he Utilize's Some Strange Cosmic Mass Of Black Tar),The Black Demon,The 4th Prime Evil, Ayin'd Favourite

Threat level:Omni being/Triple sss threat

Power level:Unknown

Kill count:Unknown

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