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"Jimin!" Rosé called out as she walked into the boxing rooms, feeling an odd sense of Deja vu wash over her as soon as she spotted Lucas boxing with him. 

"Rosè?" Jimin muttered as she was one of the last people he expected to see here. Seriously, she hated this place.

"Why is it that every time she comes here for someone, that someone acts like she's not supposed to be here?" Lucas asked as he walked over to the rings while Jimin got out and slipped off his gloves and pulling on a shirt.

"She's come here before?" He asked even more surprised. 

"Yeah, for Jennie. I think I was sparring with her then too. Do you think it's a me thing?" He asked as Jimin shook his head in exasperation.

"You know what? Leave it. I'll see you later." Jimin said instead as he walked towards Rosè.

"Hey? Everything okay?" Jimin asked the girl who nodded. 

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to talk. Are you free?" She asked him as he looked behind him towards the clock.

"Uhh yeah. For about 45 minutes. Then I have to shower before my next meeting." He replied as she nodded.

"Cool. Café?" She proposed as he nodded, stepping out with her and closing the door behind him. 

"Are you moving into a new place?" He asked Rosè who turned to him with a piqued eyebrow, silently questioning his random question.

"I asked because Lisa is also moving out now and I overheard you and Jisoo talking about it." He quickly explained to not seem stalker-ish. 

"Oh, right. Well yeah. The house we have now is too empty for us both and kinda empty now that Lisa and Jennie moved out. Jisoo and I are going apartment hunting soon since we both like apartments. The house was more Jennie and Lisa since they like open spaces." She admitted as Jimin nodded.

"You're not moving in with your parents? I remember your mom asking you to." He brought up as she chuckled.

"And how would I explain the night calls and the multiple days away? Plus the injuries? Impossible. But neither Jisoo nor I wanted to live alone so we decided to live together a little longer. It's almost impossible to find a decent place nearby though. All the landlords want detailed financial statements and occupation descriptions." She admitted as he nodded understandingly.

"Well, there's a condo in the building Jin and I are staying in right now. They don't ask a lot of personal info, and it's a nice place." Jimin brought up as she looked to him surprised.

"You and Jin live together?" She asked as he nodded.

"Yeah. I'm shocked you didn't know. Jin and I live together, while Namjoon and Hoseok live together. Yoongi stays in their apartment building but has an independent apartment." He explained as she was genuinely shocked with the information.

"How long?" She asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Years now. Have you never been over to their places?" He asked surprised. All these years he had thought she had gone over to their only because she wasn't comfortable with him. Only to find out she had never been to any of their places.

"Well, not really. The hangouts have always been at our place since it's a house, and I'm not that close with the guys to go to their places. And Hoseok? Well, I just never bothered to ask where he lived because he always came to our place to raid our fridge anyways." She shrugged as he just didn't say anything and nodded.

"Well then. But anyways, if you want me to give your names for the condo visit I can do that." Jimin said, bringing back to the original topic as she nodded.

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