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Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting together in their favorite spot in the park, under the shade of a large tree.

Baby Ari was placed on a mat next to them, playing with her toys.

The warm summer breeze rustled their hair, and the sounds of laughter and conversation filled the air around them.

As they sat there, Jungkook could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

He had been harboring feelings for Taehyung for a while now, but he never had the courage to confess his love.

He wanted their friendship to remain strong, and he was afraid that admitting his feelings could ruin everything.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had also been feeling a mix of emotions lately.

He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something different about his bond with Jungkook.

His heart fluttered whenever they were together, and he found himself longing for more than just friendship.

Taehyung: (Sitting down next to Jungkook) Hey, Koo. We need to talk about something.

Jungkook: (Looking up from his phone) Yeah, sure, what’s up, Tae?

Taehyung: (Nervously) It’s about our feelings for each other and what we want for the future. Ever since we adopted Ari, I’ve started to realize how much I care about you. It’s been months, and these feelings have just been growing stronger.

Jungkook: (Surprised) Tae, I feel the same way. Being parents to Ari has brought us even closer, and I can’t deny how much I love you. I want to be with you, both as Ari’s dad and as your partner.

Taehyung: (Smiling) That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, Kookie. I’ve always imagined us as a real family, and it feels right to take this step together.

Jungkook: (Holding Taehyung’s hand) I know it won’t be easy, but I’m willing to make it work. Ari deserves to grow up in a loving and supportive environment, where both of her fathers are happy together.

Taehyung: (Gently squeezing Jungkook’s hand) We’ll have to talk about this with Ari as well. She’s getting older, and it’s important to ensure that she understands and accepts our relationship.

Jungkook: (Nodding) I agree, Tae. We should talk to her honestly and explain everything in a way that she can comprehend. We want her to feel loved and secure in our family, no matter what.

Taehyung: (Taking a deep breath) It won’t be easy, but I believe in us. We’ve already faced so many challenges together, and I know we can overcome anything for the sake of our family.

Jungkook: (Smiling brightly) You’re right, Tae. We’re a strong team, and together, we can provide a wonderful life for Ari. Let’s take this one day at a time and keep communicating openly about our emotions and concerns.

Taehyung: (Leaning closer to Jungkook) I’m so grateful to have you by my side, Kookie. Let’s continue growing together, not just as fathers but as partners, too. Our love can only strengthen as we navigate this journey.

Jungkook: (Cupping Taehyung’s face) I love you, baby. And I love our little family. Our next steps may bring challenges, but I’m excited to face them with you, side by side, both as Ari’s parents and as loving partners.

Taehyung: (Smiling tearfully) I love you too, Kookie. And I couldn’t ask for better.

With that, the couple ended the sweet confession with soft, passionate kisses.


It was a chilly winter evening, and the snow was gently falling outside.

Jungkook and Taehyung decided to stay in for the night and create a cozy, romantic atmosphere within the comfort of their home.

They had lit scented candles around the living room, and soft music filled the air, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.

Their little daughter, Ari, was celebrating her first birthday that day, and they wanted to make it extra special for her.

Ari was nestled in Taehyung’s arms, wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket.

Jungkook was busy setting up a mini movie theater for their little family, choosing a Disney movie they could all enjoy together.

As the lights dimmed, Jungkook settled on the couch next to Taehyung, gently placing his arm around him.

“Look at our little princess,” he whispered, his voice filled with adoration.

“She looks so cozy and snug in your arms, love.”

Taehyung smiled, placing a soft kiss on Ari’s head.

“She’s our little angel, Kookie. Can’t believe she’s already a year old.”

“I know, time flies,” Jungkook replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

“But we’ll cherish every moment with her.”

He pressed a kiss to Taehyung’s temple, their love for each other evident in the small gesture.

As the movie began, Ari’s eyes widened with excitement, her small chubby hands reaching out for the colorful characters onscreen.

Taehyung chuckled softly, shifting a bit to ensure she was comfortable.

“How about we sing along to the songs, Ari?”

He suggested, his voice filled with the joy of fatherhood.

Jungkook smiled, entranced by the scene before him.

“I absolutely love the way she lights up, baby. We’re truly blessed to have her.”

Their conversation was occasionally interrupted by giggles and squeals of delight from their precious daughter.

As the movie progressed, Jungkook couldn’t help stealing glances at Taehyung, mesmerized not only by the cute Disney scenes but also by the warmth and love that radiated from his him.

Taehyung caught Jungkook’s gaze and smiled, their eyes meeting in silent affirmation of their affection for one another.

“We’ve created a beautiful life together, Koo,” he whispered, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes.

Jungkook squeezed Taehyung’s hand gently, overwhelmed with emotions.

“Yes, love. And there’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with. You and Ari are my entire world.”

Their eyes remained locked, the love between them tangible and unbreakable.

In that moment, nothing else mattered.

They were content, overflowing with love and gratitude for the family they had created.

As the movie ended, Ari’s tiny eyes started drooping, exhaustion finally setting in.

Taehyung carefully carried her to her nursery, Jungkook following closely behind.

They tucked her in, showering her with soft kisses and whispered words of love, ensuring she drifted off to dreamland feeling safe and cherished.

Returning to the living room, Taehyung and Jungkook settled back onto the couch, cuddling up under a blanket.

They gazed at the flickering flames of the candles, their hands intertwined, content in each other’s presence.

“This was a perfect night, Kookie,” Taehyung whispered.

“I can’t wait for many more cozy nights like these with you.”

Jungkook smiled, leaning in to press a loving kiss to Taehyung’s lips.

“Me neither, Tae. Our love is fairy tale-worthy, just like this Disney movie.”

In that moment, surrounded by love and warmth, they knew that their family’s story would always be filled with romance, joy, and a lifetime of cozy nights spent together.

The end!

This chapter was a sap....I hurriedly wrote it cause next couple of days I will be busy!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Can you recommend me some nice family au books or mpreg (Top Kook and bottom Tae)

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