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Day: Monday

Today was the day he will be the new CEO of the Yoon's company. After years studying how to be one, it finally came, when his dad offered to be the new CEO of their company.

But this means, more work will come to him, and less pay to visit joshua, because he knows this job is a terror, that doesn't get you have much time to spend to someone you love. And also school. He still have to pass to be an official CEO because his diploma is needed.

So now he's not gonna attend school but to work but tomorrow, he'll attend the school.

I'm currently driving my way to the company and everyone greeted me and I greeted them too and start doing my job. At my first day, it wasn't that bad. And I manage to finish all the documents within 2 hours. Then we had short meeting talking about possibly collaboration of another company but, I declined at first because, it's too early for me to handle that much thing. And our company is still stable

At 5 pm, I managed to end my work early  because, I have to do my school tasks.

I called Chan and he answered

"What's up hyung? How's your first day?" he asks

"It's fine. Don't worry. By the way hows Joshua?" he asks chan

"he's fine also, me, wonwoo hyung and yena visited him earlier after class. I really hope hyung wakes up early than 3 weeks. I miss him so much" he replied

"I do too channie...By the way I told my professor to just tell the school tasks I need to do to you. So is there have one?" hr asks again

"Luckily your professor didn't have a tasks for you so you can go visit joshua hyung for today and take care of him"

"Alright thanks! I'll meet you tomorrow"

"bye hyung!"

The phone call ended and jeonghan is excited to bring him flowers today, so he went to a flower shop and bought some bouquet and goes to the hospital

"Hello, what room you're going to visit?"

"room 1004 name, Hong Joshua. I'm his..." he paused for a second, as he don't know what is their current relationship. friend" he answers that as it was the best choice to answer

"Alright just sign this paper and you can proceed" I signed the paper and went to go to his room

I opened the door and closed it

"Hello joshuji... Here's some bouquet of your favorite flower. I hope you really like it. I just wanna let you know. I really miss you so much and hope you come back and be here again. I want to hug you and kiss you. But I don't know how I will face you when you wake up. You might run away from me if you see me... Just please, seeing you awake is already fine to me. " the room filled with silence after, only the beeping sound on the monitor that was attached to joshua can only be heard

"by the way. It's my first day of become CEO today. If we manage to be together in the end, I will really give you all the things you want. Like you dreamt about having your own cafe that you want to name it, Joshucafe. I promise, I will make that dream of yours come true..." he added and smiled

I looked at the time and it was already 8 pm. He wanted to stay until tomorrow but he still have class tomorrow

"Bye Joshuji, I'll come back tomorrow!" he closes the door and he goes back home and ate dinner silently then goes to shower and sleep after drying his hair

Next Day....

The alarmed clocked at exact 6:30 AM. And he woke up by this. He ate breakfast  his butler cooked for him and he showered then changed his clothes to his uniform

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