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  Amber’s POV:

     Olivia said, “sorry about Edward.. he was
angry since morning… I guess you had a bad day too, so you were little rude..
but it’s ok… I know being a teen is hard but trust be being an adult it also
hard. Paying own bills, living on your own…”

   I did that… I know how to be self
sufficient…. She is showing as if she is the nicest… I am annoyed by her

     I asked Eva, “Eva.. since when do you work
for Edward?”

    Eva sipped her coffee as she was getting
her nails done, she said, “I was a professional…” she stopped and lined to me,
she whispered in my ears, “I was a killer… hit women…”

   She sat back and then said, “I was on
mission then your father caught me and then he had pity on me… you know I had a
dark life… then Edward and your father gave me a second chance… since then I
work as a body guard… you know it’s better than my previous life… I am just
happy now..” she is cool but she use to kill people.. she didn’t said it loud
so the salon staff couldn’t hear her but she told me directly… so she thinks I
am same as dad and Edward…. even though they left the dark world but facts
doesn’t change.

       But I am curious about Olivia actually,
that’s why I asked Eva first. I turned to Olivia and she said as she chuckle,
“mm.. I am is assistant sine 4 years.. we are good friends…. He is not that bad
as he pretends too..” they are close.

    Eva asked, “kid… why you don’t talk
much?... I heard few words in more than a week..”

    I looked down and said, “i… I don’t know…”

              I walked in the mansion, it’s empty
and too cold for me… it was better when mom was here… I walked directly to my
art studio…. The maid Aunt Linda said, “child... it’s snack time, what should I

   I just said, “not in mood.. thanks..” I
walked further in the hall… I am so mad at him, he keeps scolding me just
because I am 17…

   I threw my back on the table and unwrapped
the plastic layer from the canvas. I started painting, I got a reference
picture. I want to paint mom.

       After few hours, the Aunt Linda walks in
and she said, “Miss. here is tea and some cakes..” I turned to her and she grasped.
She said, “why are you crying..” I looked back at the canvas and said,
“nothing.. I don’t want to eat.. just don’t disturb me…”

  She tried to speak but I said, “please…” I
heard the door closing… I am hurt, the pain never goes, it just stays inside.
Everything keeps repeating in my head… I hate it.. I have no escape….

      The outside is getting dark, I sigh…. I
walked to the table and pulled my phone out of my bad. It’s 7 in the evening….
I looked at the painting, I just made few details on the face and there is lot
to do… this painting will take weeks…

    I noticed I have dozens of messages and
calls… I really didn’t paid attention to it.. my feelings were all over my mind
that I failed to listen the loud sounds…

  I  searched for my headphones and was about to connect it to the phone,
when the door open and I got startled. I saw Edward…

   He looks mad but calm. He asked, “why were
you not picking calls?” I looked away, he nodded as he was angry.

   He asked again, “why didn’t you eat?” the
maids tells him everything…. He is controlling.

    I whispered, “I was busy….” He looked at
the painting and looked at me. He sat on the chair folding his hand and said,
“let’s see what magic you were doing that you didn’t bother to eat and even cried….”
Why does he concerns?... I am just his work… then why?

    I put the headphones on and continued to
paint. He really dislikes me, I am just responsibility. I can’t even free him
because dad took my rights for myself away….

   I was moving the brush to create these
beautiful shades and blend it so it will look like my mom… she was beautiful…
she was the best… my eyes filled with tears again, no matter how much time
passes I can never forget her…

        3 hours later, I stood back and looked
at the unfinished painting, it will take long.. but now it makes sense… it’s
pretty…. I can see mom in it….

       I checked the time and it’s 10: 30… I amtired

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       I checked the time and it’s 10: 30… I am
tired.. I should do the rest later. I removed the headphone and I heard, “it’s
really magic…”

     I turned to face Edward… he was looking at
the painting. He walked further, he said, “so… you were missing Madam..”

    I looked down and said, “I always do… he
stole her from me…” Edward was just looking at me.

looked away and said, “let’s have dinner…”  I put the brush in the water and said, “I don’t feel like it..” he
scolds me and then pretends to care for me..

      He pushed my hair away from my face and
said, “change and come for dinner… I am not leaving till you eat… I am busy
tomorrow…” I moved back… I walked out of the room.

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