Part 25: The crystal tree.

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"WATCH OUT!!" Chat Noir yelled as he charged against a demon who was about to attack Ladybug from behind.
The Turok-Han screeched as he fell off the building's rooftop.

"Thank you," she said panting.
"My pleasure my love," Chat said. He winced and clenched his chest.

"Chat Noir!" she stood up and started using her power on him. "You shouldn't have done that. I haven't been able to fully heal you."

Gently he removed her hands, "I wasn't going to watch and do nothing when you were in danger." He kissed her.
"Very romantic kitty, but let me finish healing you," Ladybug insisted.

"No. Please, save your energy for yourself or our ki-" he said, regretting not having stopped in time. He looked down, ashamed he had added worry to her mind.
"It's ok. I had thought about them already," she said grabbing his hands. "If I am correct, they are already back."

He sighed, "I am worried,... What are they going to try when they see... this," Chat Noir said as he looked towards the Arc of Triomphe.

Movement caught his eyes and she noticed it. They looked down at the street and saw a couple of demons approaching the fallen one. They helped him stand up and looked towards them.
"Let's move," she whispered.

They took separate paths towards the building across the street. When they were together again they looked all around to make sure there would be no surprises.

"How did it go? Did you find someone else? Or a weak spot that could give us a chance to reach Marc?" Ladybug asked.
He shook his head, "No one. And they have a tight perimeter," Chat said.

"MOOOM! DAAAAD!!!" they suddenly heard.

Ladybug gasped. Chat Noir's eyes opened wide with fear. They shuddered as they looked down at the street. They felt like they couldn't breath when they saw their eldest kid standing a short distance from the building they were in.
They looked towards the monument and noticed all the demons nearby smiling eerily, some of them licking their lips as if they were savoring their son's blood.
Chat Noir tried to yell but he couldn't speak.

"RUN!!" Ladybug yelled.

Gabriel looked up and smiled a sad smile. Quickly he nodded towards Kraftsauger and gave them the thumbs up. Then he started running as fast as he could towards their enemy.

"What?!! NO!" Ladybug gasped.
"STOP!!" Tom yelled as he ran some distance away from his brother.

Chat Noir dove towards the street ignoring the pain in the side of his body and chest.
Turok-Hans started running towards Gabriel. Tom hadn't noticed one of the demons lurking in the shadows near him.
Ladybug tried to materialize her wings, but either from the shock or her wounds, they wouldn't show up. Luckily for the boy, his father arrived in time to prevent him from getting attacked.

Ladybug was about to throw her yo-yo to chase after her older son when she noticed him starting to glow. More and more intense. She rubbed her eyes when she saw him loosing shape. When the demons were about to reach him he was no longer himself, he had turned himself into a stream of electricity. Easily he avoided them.

From beneath Arc de Triomphe, Kraftsauger smiled when he saw the flow of energy. Instead of trying to get out of his way, he stretched his arms.

"Gabriel," Tom gasped. His arms felt heavy as he lost strength.

For an instant Kraftsauger just stood there. He seemed to be doing nothing, but they knew he was doing something to Gabriel as the electricity started to diminish.

Ladybug landed beside her husband and hugged him and their son. "We've got to do something!"
"Gabriel is in him. What can we do against Kraftsauger that doesn't harm our son?" Chat Noir asked.

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