Can we be something

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Pedri pov
I know it might be to fall in love with you best friend but y/n was different I know her since we where little but the thing is she dating gavi my other best friend. I wish she was mine. Right now I was at y/n house hangout with her and gavi

Y/n:I'm going to make me some lunch you boys want anything
Gavi:yeh plz
Y/n:pedri want anything

She went to the kitchen and make food and I was just talking to gavi

Gavi:pedri you good you been quiet
Pedri:yep just think about a few think why
Gavi':I was just wondering

Then y/n came back with food and we all ate food and talk.

Y/n pov
You can call me crazy but i know I have a whole boyfriend but I have a huge crush on my best friend since I was a baby and I don't want how to tell gavi that I like my best friend. But right now we all are hangout and eating our food. Then we wish and I had to dish.

Gavi:baby I have to go my mom need my help
Y/n:okay amor I  love you
Gavi:I love you too

He went and sah bye to Pedri and left. Then I went and join pedri on the couch and look at him and he look at me. When he look at me she gave me butterflies in my stomach. Then I did i told him

Y/n:perdi i love you
Y/n:I cant do this I love you.
Pedri:I love you too but how are you going to tell gavi
Y/n:I don't know

Then I kiss him and he kiss me back. I pull away and smile at him and he smile at me back

Y/n:I can call him and tell him
Pedri:I don't care as long you tell

I call gavi and he answered me call and I told him about everything and I could tell he was sad but he understood and stuff and we can still be friends. Then I hangup. Pedri look at me with a smile and I look at him and pull him into another kiss

Y/n:I love you
Pedri:I love you too well you be my girlfriend
Y/n:I will love to be your girlfriend pedri

Then he kiss me again and he pull away and hug me and for the rest of the day we hangout.

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