Second Year

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She bumped into Draco and something fell on him, during Potions class. After staring at her for a moment Draco replied, " I'm fine, thanks for asking." Just then Professor Snape came over and said, " Miss Piquery just because your mother is the president of the MACUSA doesn't mean that you are allowed to suddenly drop bezoars on my best student and the best second-year Slytherin, or as you are supposed to know him as the heir to the Malfoy family. But, of course you, like your mother, won't care."He stared at her disapprovingly. " You are quite lucky that you are my favorite Ravenclaw student or Professor Flitwick will hear about this" Snape added. Although her face was turning pink earlier, by now it was ivory white. " Please Professor... Whatever you do don't say anything about this to Professor Flitwick... Please... I'll write a 333 page essay about any topic you give me... Please" she begged, her voice horse and barely a whisper. Her face was still pale, but now there were tears streaming down her face. Draco could barely stand looking at her like this. Snape's face softened and it looked like he actually cared about her.  "It's alright, Fleur. Just consider this a warning. I will not have you do this again, understand?" "Yes Professor, of course." Snape turned around to Draco. "You there, Malfoy, I am only saying and doing this because of her mother. Stop staring at me like that." Draco stared at the professor dumbfounded. Why was he being so kind? Would he really do all of that for her? Was her mother really the Seraphina Piquery, President of the MACUSA or the Magical Congress of the United States Of America ? Was that the reason he was being so kind with her? At that moment Draco had a thought: "If she is the daughter of the president of the MACUSA it would make her a pureblood." Luckily, just then Snape started to assign partners for the class. Draco wasn't paying attention until he heard his name called, " Draco Malfoy, please move yourself and your cauldron over there. Your partner is Fleur Piquery." He looked at who was coming to his cauldron, since he had never heard that first name before. And then he saw the girl, who Snape was talking to in that voice which was rare for him to speak in, coming to him. " I'm Fleur. And you're obviously that self obsessed Draco Malfoy who thinks he's so important that if a girl is trying to apologize for something, Snape has to come over and threaten her until she starts crying" she shot at him in a very angry manner. Her tone was loud, so Draco was worried someone would hear and laugh at him or agree with her. " Besides, how are you related to the famous Seraphina Piquery if you can't even stay calm for as long as she can" Draco shot back in an angry tone. Fleur stared at her shoes for a minute and when she looked back up, Draco could see that she was trying to hold back tears. When she finally spoke, she was trying to stop crying. " I try to be like my mother but it's not enough. I get teased relentlessly. I keep being told that my mother is a fake, a cheat and a liar. That she gets everything done her way, hates the Minister for no reason and that I'm just like her.I thought that by getting Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin and going to Hogwarts instead of Illevarmorny would show otherwise. But apparently that's not enough." At this point she was calming down. Draco felt sympathy for her. In fact he understood her completely. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it the way that you thought I did. I... I understand what you are saying", he tried to explain. "No, you don't!" Fleur retorted.

                         §§§§§§§§Fleur's POV (after potions class)§§§§§§§§§§§§

Snape looked at her. In an unusually soft, gentle, sympathetic and understanding tone he replied "Ms.Piquery, Dumbledore told me about your mothers concern about lessons here being to easy for you. As you are doing very well in all your classes, I'll talk to Minerva about giving you Animagus lessons and advanced Transfiguration, Sybil about the hardest Divination classes possible, Pomana about private Herbology and I'll talk to Dumbledore about signing you up for all classes possible. If you want I can even give you private Potion lessons on potions you won't ever learn during your seven years here, just like you were begging me to do so earlier. I understand that you and your mother are very important people, and I don't want her to be upset with the education here. Do not worry Fleur, do not worry."You there,Draco, I am only saying and doing this because of her mother. Stop staring at me like that." Draco stared at the professor dumbfounded. Why was he being so kind? Would he really do all of that for her? Was her mother really the Seraphina Piquiry president of the MACUSA  or the Magical Congress of the United States Of America ? Was that the reason he was being so kind with her? At that moment Draco had a thought that his father would try to disown him for : " If she is the daughter of the president of the MACUSA it would make her a Pureblood. And as feel like I love her so much, then I might be able to get her to be my girlfriend" Luckily, just then Snape started to assign partners for the class. Draco wasn't paying attention until he heard his name called, " Draco Malfoy will be partnered with Fleur Piquery!" He looked at who was coming to his cauldron, since he had never heard that first name before. And then he saw the girl, who Snape was talking to in that voice which was rare for him to speak in, coming to him. " I'm Fleur. And you're obviously that self obsessed Draco Malfoy who thinks he's so important that if a girl is trying to apologize for something, Snape has to come over and threaten her until she starts crying" she shot at him in a very angry manner. Her tone was loud, so Draco was worried someone would hear and laugh at him or agree with her. " Well at least MY head of house or another professor NEVER has to calm me down by promising things that will never happen. Besides, how are you related to the famous Seraphina Piquery if you can't even stay calm for as long as she can" Draco shot back in an angry tone. Fleur stared at her shoes for a minute and when she looked back up, Draco could see that she was trying to hold back tears. When she finally spoke, she was trying to stop crying. " I try to be like my mother but it's not enough. I get teased relentlessly. Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, Dumbledore, Sprout and Trewlany are the only ones who care about me. I keep being told that my mother is a fake, a cheat and a liar. That she gets everything done her way, hates the Minister for no reason and that I'm just like her.I thought that by getting Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin and going to Hogwarts instead of Illevard would show otherwise. But apparently that's not enough." At this point she was calming down. Draco felt sympathy for her. In fact he understood her completely. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it the way that you thought I did. I... I understand what you feel like. You can talk about it with me if you want. My father makes me feel like I'm not enough too" he explained.

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