|| Three ||

4 1 0

CW || None.

|| Sapnap. ||

"So... Do you see how this line will affect your code, Punz? Because it's this that's single handedly keeping everything running smoothly... Okay?" Sapnap mumbled, pointing at something on his screen before tapping lightly on the glass.

"How does that even work!? That... Shouldn't all be relying on ONE line of code..." Punz groaned, throwing his head back until it rested against the back of the seat.

"Well, because I told you to make sure that you closed your code and you just ignored me... So the program has to run through ALL of these one by one, and it's THIS line that's making sure that the commands function correctly... So, your entire project is basically in the hands of a single thing..." Sapnap replied, rolling his eyes as if this were basic knowledge.

Reluctantly, Punz sat up straight and started typing, his fingers hovering over the keyboard in thought for only mere seconds before he found the missing end. "There, is THAT better?"

"Yep! Much better, now you can reorder THESE commands so that it can simultaneously load itself and the actual viewable model without taking up extra time."

"Ughh... I hate how you're better than me at this..." Punz let his head loll backwards. Sapnap, shrugging, just picked up one of the folders strewn across the table and started to flick through it. "Suck it up, I guess... But let's move on from this, it seems like you're starting to stress out a bit... How about we just do some simple algebra? Maths is connected to coding in a bunch of ways, and it's an easy topic, so I'll just write down a few equations and all you have to do is solve them... Does that sound good?'

He shook his head, obviously unimpressed by the idea. "What? No, I don't want to do fuckin' ALGEBRA!?" Sapnap used the palm of his hand to cuff the back of Punz's head, holding the folder out as he cleared his throat. "You wanted my help, we're gonna do it MY way, okay?"

"Ow- fine! Okay, you don't have to hit me..." Punz grumbled, snatching the folder from his hands. Sapnap, grinning like an idiot, started giggling at how easily he could push Punz's buttons. "You seem so pissed... Do you really hate maths THAT much?"

"I'm pissed off because you fuckin' smacked the back of my head, genius," Punz replied, shooting a glare towards him. "You're supposed to be helping me finish my assignments, not sticking me back in a ninth grade ALGEBRA LESSON!"

"You're a grownass man, you should be able to solve basic algebra problems with ease- Oh, hold on, Karl's furiously gesturing at me... I'll be back soon, I promise." Sapnap said, slipping off of the table and hurrying back over to the counter. The raveonette got a slip of paper slapped onto his chest and quickly took it from Karl's hands. "You can't make this yourself?" He asked confusedly, glancing back up at Karl to meet his eyes.

"Oh, no, I can definitely make it... But it's not my job to make it." Karl snorted, lightly smacking him on the back a few times before turning away. "You're just interrupting me to be petty now, aren't you?" Sapnap replied, a smile creeping onto his face as he wasn't actually mad in the slightest. "I would NEVER." The brunette called over his shoulder, grinning just as much.


|| Punz ||

Taking a quick glance at his phone, Punz sucked in a sharp breath before shifting his eyes back over to meet Sapnap's.

"I've gotta go... Like, right now-." He stood up and started shoving his things haphazardly into his backpack.

"Oh... Really?" Sapnap's expression dampened, eyes widening slightly as the smile tugging on the corners of his lips all but vanished.

"Yeah, sorry... I've got a lecture in ten minutes, and I'll probably have a lot of work to do after that, so i'm not really gonna have time to come back today... Again, sorry, bye-!" He threw his bag on and started out the door, not hearing Sapnap's words of goodbye. "Bye... Wait, Punz, can I-." But the little bell chimed once again, and the door was shut in his face.


"-Get your number..."

Cinnamon, spice, & unfinished assignments || Punz x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now