Chapter 17

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He flashed me an incredibly alluring smile. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly pulled my hand away.

"Sorry. Your hair is just so soft I got carried away."

"Normally I don't like people playing with my hair." "But I'll make a special exception for you."

If he keeps smiling at me that sweetly...

"Can I touch it again, then?"

"Sure, go ahead."

We looked at each other and laughed.

"Haah... I know the elderly like to wake up early, but is it really necessary to be so lovey-dovey first thing in the morning?"

"We  weren't..."

"Morning, Flynn.  Looks like a good night's sleep didn't improve your bitterness at all."

"Sorry, Kira. Docteur's not a morning person, but he's even more unfriendly than usual."

I shook my head and Carlos  and Flynn took their seats.

"All right, shall we eat now? It's been so long since we were all here for breakfast."


"Yep. We usually just fend for ourselves, and we aren't usually together during the day."

I guess since Vlad sold flowers, Charles was the town doctor, and Faust was a priest they probably wouldn't see each other often.  The residents of the mansion all have different lifestyles as well, but we almost always have at least one meal together. But...

"Today is ham salad, hm? Not bad for you, Carlos."

"I swear, all you ever want to eat is ham, Docteur. And Lord Vlad only wants to eat strawberries. You both need variety."

"I can't help it. It's the strawberries' fault for being so delicious." "Faust, that's my strawberry."

"Honestly! Hey! No one ever thanked me for the food!"

Even though I couldn't quite figure out if they were good friends or not, I smiled as I watched over them.

"Thank you for the food, Carlos!"

Life at the castle was fun, peaceful, and relaxing. There was just one problem, though...

They're being so nice to me, the least I can do is help make breakfast!

"Morning, Carlos! Can I help you with someth—"

"Oh, morning, Kira! I already made breakfast. Hope you like French toast?"

Well, the least I can do is clean the tub...

"Oh, Kira! Do you like taking baths? I thought you might, so I cleaned it and put fresh water in it! Go ahead and get in!"

Carlos always takes care of the household chores so well there's nothing I can help with.  I decided to ask Flynn  if there was anything I could help him with.

"Perfect timing. I'm mixing up a new batch of medicine and I'd like you to be my guinea pig."

"Your what?!"

Ihad a bad feeling about that, so I quickly excused myself from the room. Vlad said just to concentrate on healing my injury. I feel bad not helping, but I'll just do as he says. And when you don't do anything all day, each day feels very long. Since I had nothing but time on my hands, I received permission to explore the castle.  I found a room I hadn't been to before, so l opened the door.

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