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I lower the bow from my face and peer expectantly at the target. My arrow had hit the target, but it barely cleared the black.

I grit my teeth and reload. Some child of Apollo I am. I can't shoot, and unlike so many of my siblings my hair and eyes are plain brown.

Thwang! Thwang!

I shoot another two arrows, and they land both in the black. Again.

"Hey Katelyn!" Will Solace, the leader if the Apollo cabin and my older brother, jogs up to me. "How's the archery?" He smirks at me and his blue eyes gleam.

Instead of smiling back like I normally do, I cross my arms. "Same as always," I huff.

He reaches over and to asked my hair. "Don't worry about it sis. Archery isn't for every Apollo kid."

"Yeah, but every Apollo kid can at least make it to the red," I argue. "I'm not even remotely close."

"We'll, you're getting there. Listen, it's time for lunch, so grab your arrows and lets go."

I stall, hoping he'll walk away and I can back to practicing, but no such luck. Will taps his foot and crosses his arms, clearly waiting for me. Sighing, I grab my arrows from the target and put everything away, then accompany Will to the mess hall.

Lunch is already in full swing, and people are laughing and eating. I wave to my best friend Max from the Hermes cabin, then grab a burger and sit down next to Anne, my closest sister.

Anne is a year older than me at fifteen, but we're closer then me and my real siblings. I have two younger brothers. One's twelve and the other's nine, and although I love them, we don't always get along, and that's why I spend most of my time at camp or boarding schools. Yeah, it's that bad. I'm trying to convince my mom to let me go year-round for next year, but she's pretty hesitant because I've only been going to camp for a year.

"Hello? Earth to Katelyn?" Anne snaps her fingers in front of my face a few times.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," I say, my mouth stuffed with food.

"It's fine. How'd the extra archery go?"

I glower. "No improvement. I'm hopeless as an Apollo child! Just throw me in with the Hypnos kids or something because I'm practically useless."

"Are you kidding? You don't give yourself enough credit. You've been here for just over a month and already you're medicinal skulls almost pass mine!" she smiles at me. "And I've been going here for two years! Not everyone had to be the best at archery." She soothes.

"I know," I reply with a sigh. "Still. It's like what were known for."

Anne sighs and ruffles my hair. What is it with hair ruffling in this cabin? "Think what you want, but not only are you one of the best healers in camp, but you can also sing and are one of the fastest runners here."

"So what?" I scoff. "Running isn't even an Apollo trait."

"Katelyn." Anne grabs my face and turns it toward hers so I have to make eye contact. "You're not hopeless." Her eyes get a mischievous glint in then, and my stomach twists.

"In fact, I heard Max just the other day bragging about you. I'm not Aphrodite child, but...."

"Anne!" I yank my face from her grip and continue eating. "If I've said it once, ice said it a billion times. He. Doesn't. Like. Me. We're best friends, and nothing more."

"Sureee," she sings. I can tell she's going to say more on the subject, but its true. Max and I have been best friend ever since I held a dagger to his neck in a game of capture the flag. He was part of an ambush party and I was defending, and lets just say the fight was quick. He came too in the hospital wing three days later.

Since that day we've been inseparable.

"Bye Anne, gotta run!" I shout as I cram the last of my burger in my mouth and run off.

And if course I crash someone. Not Max, but Markus.

"Hey Kate. Watch where you're going." Then he straightens me up, his hands on my shoulders, and waves as he walks away.

And me? I'm left there, gaping like an idiot. He called me Kate!

And then I stumble to the cabin in a daze.

A/N: so here's the first chapter! I'm trying to make an unorthodox story but I just couldn't help making a love triangle. Katelyn, Anne, Max, and Markus are all oc and belong to me; EVERYTHING ELSE BELONGS TO UNCLE RICK!! Thanks for reading, there's more to come...
Also, of there's anyone who's reading my things for the first time, there's a glitch on my wattpad where I can't respond to any of you comments, or comment or like an stories... :( Sorry guys. Hopefully I get an iPhone soon and can stop using my iPod but until then I can't comment or like.
Anyways, enjoy the story!!

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