Pei Ming x Male Reader (Passionate Night)

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One day when you were walking around the heavenly empire you saw general Pei Ming,and you knew that he loved women so much. (He's a bit of a womanizer 😑) and also you were smart to stay away from him knowing that he only cares about himself and his reputation so you didn't want to get involved with him.

Until one day there was a meeting which all gods and goddesses were gathered and after a while when the meeting was over you started walking outside only two run in to Pei Ming which was the last person you wanted to meet.

When he saw you looking at him he started to walk towards you which got you a little shocked. And then he was in front of you you thought to yourself '(Y/N) just stay calm and everything will be okay.' "Why hello there I couldn't help but know that you keep on looking at me but somehow try to avoid me." Pei Ming said.

"What do you mean by trying to avoid you"You said as you looked away blushing a little bit but he saw that little blush and smirked "How about we have a cup of tea at my place and I won't take a note for an answer." you turned around and with shocked eyes "Are you sure because I am but a lowly God I don't deserve to be in your Palace and besides I believe I have things to do."you said as you started sweating. "Well I said I won't be taking a no for an answer."Pei Ming then started to walk away. 'Oh man I think I just gotten myself into some trouble' you thought and look down thinking about even going there but you didn't have a choice he was a God that was higher than you.

-time skip-

You were now sitting with Pei Ming drinking tea you were getting nervous because not of but because of where you were drinking tea. You looked around seeing that you were in Pei Ming bedroom "Why are you so nervous don't be scared it's not like I plan on fighting you." you turned your head and looked at him "Oh no it's just how do I put this I didn't think we would be drinking tea in your bedroom. *nervous laughing* "Oh yes that could make one nervous." you then took a sip of the tea "So I didn't get your name do you think you can tell me." Pei Ming said "Oh my name is (Y/N)."you said "Well that is a nice name."

After a few more minutes Pei Ming got up and walked over to you. You then turned stiff when he was behind you touching your shoulders "What are you doing." you turned around to look at him "Oh my bad I thought that you needed a little bit of care since you look a little bit stiff perhaps you need a little massage." "Oh no thanks I am quite all right." you said "Don't be silly you sometimes have to relax a little bit."Pei Ming then took your hand and walked to the bed. He went and laid you down on your back and turned you over to then lay on your stomach "I don't think that this is a good idea." you said "Don't worry I will take care of you."Pei Ming said with a smirk and then started to blush and looked away.Then you felt something heavy on top of you and turned again to see that he was on top of you you were about to say something until he play finger on your lips "Hush just enjoy this while you can."

Pei Ming then started to lean towards your face and your eyes widen you felt lips on top of yours he was kissing you. He went and licked your lips asking for entrance you then

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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