14- The Boy Savior

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Caitlyn's PoV

"What have you done with Vi? Where's (Y/N)?" I rub my wrist, trying to get the pain away

I was just about done with everything. The plan went to hell, these goons took Vi to who knows where and (Y/N), I don't even know if they have her. I was supposed to protect her, I promised I would protect her

"Listen, let Vi go. I brought her here. It's me you want. (Y/N) is just a kid, she doesn't know anything" I try to convince the man at the door. He had a scolded in his face and it looked like he was about to say something when someone stood behind him

"Our hero" Vi, that little.... Was standing behind him with the biggest smug in her face

"You're... But I thought you...I thought they were hurting you!" I was furious with her. How the hell did she manage to win over these people

"Vi tells me I can trust you. You get a pass back topside, that's it. Let's go" the man says before standing up and walking out the room. Vi followed him with her eyes before turning to me

"Are you going to keep mopping or are you coming?" She teases before walking inside the room and offers me her hand to stand. I give her a furious glare before taking it

"I wasn't mopping" I snapped and when I was standing I walk away from her, hearing her laugh loudly from behind me

"Never seen an Enforcer moped before" she comes to stand next to me as I stare at the compound.... And the tree in the middle

"It's beautiful" I might've say it out loud

"If your people had your way, it'd be rubble and ash" the man snaps with venom in his voice

"It's a misunderstanding. They think you work for Silco" I try to explain

"Your people hunt us like animals. Silco pays them to do it" it can't be, it has to be a mistake

"That's not possible. You're wrong" I snap back

"Say that one more time" he steps closer to Vi stops him

"Ekko, she believes what she's saying, okay? She's not your enemy" she stays between us

"Oh, yeah? Then what's this?" He opens a container and the stolen gemstone was in it

"You got it. You have to let me take that back" I try to reach for it but he takes it away

"What is it?" Vi sounded tired of not knowing and I decided to tell her the truth. We were already too keep in to this for lies and secrets

"It's a Gemstone. It was stolen during the attack. By your sister" I look at her with an accusing look

"You just forgot to mention that?" She hissed at me

"With this, someone with the right knowledge could build any Hextech device. If Enforcers are becoming more... aggressive, that's why" I explained to the ma.. to Ekko

"We could beat Silco with this" his eyes sparkled with hope

"That won't solve things" I say but he didn't let me finish

"Easy for you to say. Your people aren't dying all around you" he gestures arounds us and I couldn't help but see why he was so desperate

"Ekko, it's wrong what's been done to you. You'd be well within your rights to keep it. I couldn't blame you. But... if you do, this cycle of violence will never stop. This is our best chance at setting the record straight," I couldn't let him do this. Not when his people and mine were in the line and most likely would get hurt by it. If he chose this way, there would be a war against Silco, a war where innocents will die

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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