70 3 2

Zander: @everyone

Milly: dude

Milly: it's too late

Milly: tf do you want 😭

Zander: I'll tell you once everyone is online.

Milly: ain't no way, everyone finna be asleep after that competition

Zander: Well, it's about the competition, so I suggest everyone wake up.

Hailey: What's so important that you're spamming the group chat at 4 in the morning???

Luke: huh

Milly: oop

Milly: 💀

Zander: everyone @Sean

Milly: @Sean

Hailey: @Sean

Luke: @Sean @Jake

Zander: I forgot about that dork

Hailey: the dork you were practically having a panic attack over before the competition? 💀

Jake: fr like I literally just went to the restroom 😭

Milly: where tf is Sean 😡

Milly: brb I'm gonna go throw rocks at his window

Jake: how close do you guys live?

Milly: lmao like a block or two away

Milly: anyways

"Milly" has gone offline.

Hailey: welp

Hailey: I guess we wait



Sean: I'm up, I'm up

Milly: thanks to me 😼

Milly: okay NOW

Milly: what did you have to tell us?

Zander: earlier tonight, somebody broke the competition trophy. It was in pieces whenever I went to grab something off the music room's shelves. It wasn't Bethany, mum, or dad, so that means one of you guys did it earlier tonight. Who was it?

Jake: it wasn't me I swear on my sister's life

Milly: Well I know it wasn't me or Sean- we didn't step foot in the music room when we were at your place

Hailey: me and Zander were in the kitchen with you guys eating pizza- that leaves...

Zander: Luke?

Zander: it's okay if you broke it sweetie I just wanna know the truth xoxo<33

Milly: I think I'm gonna get sick again

Milly: 😒

Luke: I don't think it was me.. but it could've been! So, I'm sorry for the damage done. I hope you guys can forgive me 😞

Milly: wait- so you didn't do it, but you're still apologizing? 💀

Luke: Well it could've been me! I'm just not completely sure

Milly: I'm pretty sure if you broke the trophy you'd remember-

Luke: Well, I suppose you're right..

Zander: y'know it's kinda funny

Zander: because I know exactly who it was

Zander: So you might as well fess up now


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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