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"Phi,let go of my hand

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"Phi,let go of my hand...i can walk by myself na,you don't need to pull me it's hurt"said fourth when joong keep pulling his hand.
"eoh,sorry ai fourth....hhehehe...don't you see that these people keep on looking at you?"
"hmm,of course i know that they are watching me(without no expression) maybe they are too stunned of my beautiness"smirk
"haishhhh,whatever you say...let's go to the head principle office first"said joong pulling fourth's hand once again

let's go to the head principle office first"said joong pulling fourth's hand once again

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"Sawadeekhap khun fourth and khun joong"said the head princple...
",which class will you put fourth?"asked joong without dilly dally.
"let just make him in the same class as you"said the head principle
"khap,then we will take our leave first" said joong started to pull fourth.

"let just make him in the same class as you"said the head principle"khap,then we will take our leave first" said joong started to pull fourth

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"so we are in the same class?"asked fourth without looking at joong.
"of course,do you feel happy to be in the same class as me?"asked joong full of participate but fourth just said "hm"as his answer.

"of course,do you feel happy to be in the same class as me?"asked joong full of participate but fourth just said "hm"as his answer

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"ekhem.ekhem...please pay attention!
today,there will be a new student that will be admitting here,i hope you guys can be friend with him,okay?fourth,you can come in now"said a teacher name mrs.davikah.
He came into the classroom with no expression and he look at to all of the other student .while joong?joong is sitting at his desk already before fourth came in..while the other student are looking at you with full of admiriation..
"this is so crazy...he look so freaking cool"said dunk who are also one of the class member there.
"hmmm,he look different from the other clingy uke"said ohm,the other friends of gemini.
meanwhile gemini?he just watching fourth coldly but fourth realised
about all of that,he just pretend to not know that cause it was not important anyway.

Gemini's pov

"I don't know what is wrong with me but this boy really make me curious.. haisshhh,what are you thinking huh?" while still staring at fourth..

"you can introduce yourself now,fourth" said mrs.davikah giving some space for fourth.
"my name is fourth nattawat,but you guys can just call me fourth(looking at other people coldly)i transferred from Dubai university"

student's pov

"oh my god..he look so cool,but he still look so pretty"
"how can he be more prettier than me..a girl😭"
"ohhhh,so this is fourth,he does look pretty...he can even snitched Saint's place"
and there is still alot of praises coming from the student who admire your beautiness.

"fourth,you can sit beside joong and phuwin"said mrs.davikah softly
"khap"said fourth and started to walk to the empty desk..

skip study time

joong and phuwin go towards fourth.
"ai fourth,do you want to go to the canteen cause i and phuwin are already quite hungry now"said joong
"hmmm khap,let's go"said fourth who take the lead first

the three of them are walking in the coridor of the campus,a lot of people keep watching fourth and praising him for his pretty face and body but fourth doesn't care at all because for him that was so boring

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the three of them are walking in the coridor of the campus,a lot of people keep watching fourth and praising him for his pretty face and body but fourth doesn't care at all because for him that was so boring.
fourth suddenly bumping into someone
"are you blind?don't you see me right here?what is the use of the eye if you don't use it?"said gemini with an angry tone.
while fourth just keep quite while looking at him and smirk
"Ai sat,are you deaf,huh!!!!gemini snapped again to him
"alai,i don't care and i am not deaf,so go away from my sight"said fourth calmly but still have that impressive pressure.

"chhhh,don't need to act so cocky in front if me(smirk)and one more are you trying to go against me,huh?!!don't think that just because you are the owner of the campus,you can just speak so freely with me"said gemini with smirk
fourth go near that guy that was in front of him and whisper near his ear
"i am not going against you sir!and don't speak to me like that,don't ever raise your voice to me"
"you understand what i say right.i hope you understand it(patt gemini's shoulder)you don't seem like ordinary person,but it doen't matter(smirk)...let's go,phi"then fourth and the other two start to walk pass gemini
meanwhile gemini just being silent after he heard what fourth say cause his word can't be doubted

Gemini's pov

"shittt,this is the first time someone ever dare go against me,i really need to know who he really is"then he started to walk away from there

Gemini's friend pov
"this is the first time i see a guy who are so brave to talk like that and go against gem"(salute)

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