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As the teacher was discussing niki had a an idea to be close with sunoo and its was teasing as he thought of that he took a piece of paper and crumpled it into a ball and threw it at sunoo

"What the Fuck? who threw tha- oh you" sunoo said and threw the paper ball at niki and niki threw it at sunoo again

Sunoo got annoyed so he threw the paper ball at niki again but as soon as niki catched the paper ball he threw it at sunoo again

Sunoo and niki kept throwing the paper ball that niki made to each other and jungwon was only watching thinking it was funny

The two jept throwing the paper ball at each other nonstop and jungwon was enjoying it because jungwon knew niki well

The teacher was done writing and when the teacher turned around and saw niki and sunoo throwing a paper ball at each other

The teacher got mad so she approached the two "You two stand up and face the wall until my discussion is done!" the teacher said

the two stood up and faced the wall and the teacher went to the blackboard and started talking

"This is your fault"sunoo said with an annoyed tone and niki chuckled "Well at least i enjoyed playing" niki said and sunoo rolled his eyes

sunoo faced the wall and niki was still not satisfied of sunoo's annoyance so he thought of something he'd be more annoyed

Niki had an idea so he went closer to sunoo and poked his smooth soft cheeks and sunoo moved niki's finger to avoid getting poked

Niki was tall so he played with sunoo's soft hair and made sunoo mad "Hey! stop it" sunoo said and niki just ignored sunoo being mad and continued to play with his hair

Sunoo got even mad so sunoo  tried  to tickled niki and niki didn't feel ticklish which made sunoo even mad so he pinched niki in the belly

Niki got hurt but still played with his hair so sunoo gave up and let him play with his hair because what's the use of saying 'stop' or pinch him he won't stop anyway


The teacher was done discussing and it was break time so everyone went to the canteen to eat some snacks

Sunoo quickly ran to jungwon "Jungwon can you tell me who he is? he kept teasing me for no reason"Sunoo said and jungwon chuckled

"He's Niki" Jungwon said and sunoo grab jungwon's hand to the canteen and ofcourse niki followed them

as the three was walking niki saw his friends Jay, heeseung and sunghoon so niki approached them nd left sunoo and jungwon

Sunoo and jungwon saw Jake in the canteen and approached him "Jake why weren't you in class?"Sunoo asked

"Oh-uhmm... Because-I was l-late yes i was late"jake said nd jungwon found him suspicious "Liar! you were lazy!" jungwon said

Jake just chuckled and they went to a empty table sat the two sat there because sunoo was going to other

"Okay, what do you guys want?" sunoo asked the two "I want rainbow sherbet yakult" Jungwon said "I want Chocolate and yakult too"Jake said and sunoo wen to the counter

"Hi uhmm... I'll order three yakults, three lollipops, one rainbow sherbet, one chocolate, one mint choco" sunoo said and the canteen lady gave the food to sunoo

Sunoo paid the canteen lady and went to the table they were sitting with the food that sunoo ordered

Sunoo gave the orders to jungwon and jake and they ate their foods while talking and laughing

Niki was staring at sunoo while eating  "Sheeshh niki has a target already i mean crush"Jay said and niki glared at jay and niki continued to stare at sunoo

As sunoo and the two were done eating niki quickly stood up "Bye I'll see you guys later" niki said and approached sunoo

as Sunoo was unwrapping the lollipop niki took the lollipop as sunoo was done unwrapping the lollipop and niki ate it

"Hey! that was mine!" Sunoo said and the two quickly ran to the classroom leaving niki and sunoo

"So? Its mine now" niki said with a smirk and sunoo started to Chase niki and niki stopped running and sunoo went closer to niki to get revenge

Niki was smiling while seeing sunoo trying to get revenge by trying to tickle him so niki carried him like a bride and sunoo was wiggling like a worm

While niki was carrying sunoo like a bride he walked to the classroom and everyone was looking at them like they were ghosts

"what? never saw a boy carry  boy?" niki said "put me down!" sunoo said and niki went to his seat and sat there while sunoo was sitting in his lap

"Let me go you asshole!" sunoo said and niki held on sunoo tighter "No" niki said and jungwon Approached the two

"Niki let go of sunoo he's new here so don't tease him like that" jungwon said "Jungwon please help me!" sunoo said and Heeseung approached them

"Bro stop your being  obvious there's some student here you know"Heeseung said "And so?" niki said "Niki! let me go who even are you do to this" sunoo said while trying to escape

"You future"Niki whispered in sunoo's ears which made sunoo get annoyed "Future? your not even my type!" sunoo replied while wiggling aggressively

"Ok fine I'll let you go in one condition"niki said nd sunoo stopped wiggling "What condition?" sunoo asked Niki was smirking

"Kiss me" Niki said and made sunoo shocked and the others "Hello no!Change it or else I'll scream" Sunoo said

"Fine, give me your number" niki said "Ok deal let me go then" sunoo said but niki hold him tighter "No give me it now" Niki asking sunoo to give his number now

"Fine I'll give it but i need my phone"sunoo said "Okay then I'll carry you to your seat" niki suggested sunoo nodded 

I know its long because i didn't know what part will be cutted so i decided to make it long instead and the next part will be posted tomorrow because i need to sleep✨♥️

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