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"Good morning." Y/n said, entering Georgie's garage the following morning bright and early with Jane in her carrier and the baby bag.

"Oh, you're up and about early." Georgie commented as he finished brushing his teeth at the sink.

"Yeah, got a lot going on today." Y/n said, walking into the garage. "Connie is taking me out shopping and then to the salon to get ready for my audition."

"Nice." Georgie smiled, walking toward her. "A little mummy-daughter day?"

"Daddy-daughter day." Y/n corrected and passed him Jane.

"I have work." He said immediately.

"I'd like to think fatherhood is a full time job." Y/n used his own words against him.

"How am I gonna feed her?" Georgie asked. "I don't have boobs." He said, putting his hand on his chest.

"Formulas in the bag." Y/n answered. "Tag you're it."  She added, tapping Georgie's shoulder before kissing Jane on the head.

"Bye, Janey." She said in a sweet voice and left the garage.

"Well, looks like it's just me and you, let me give you the tour." Georgie said to Jane before turning her to face the wall.

"That's Axel rose." He pointed at his poster. "He's awesome."

"That's the weight bench, that's where your daddy gets ripped." He faced Jane towards the weight bench and then to the sink.

"And that's the sink your mum peed in and threw up in within a 12 hour period." He said, pinching his daughters cheek. "Yeah, she did."


After hearing y/n rant about Georgie all last night and when she was out shopping with her today, Connie burst into the gambling room where he was counting cash he earned from letting people touch Jane's head for luck.

"Hey, dummy." Connie said standing in front of the counter Georgie was sitting at. "We need to talk."

"If it's about Jaycee being here I can explain." Georgie put his arms up in defence.

"Where is she?" Connie asked, looking around.

"Right here." Wayne called from his pokie machine where he was holding the baby over his shoulder for luck.

Connie looked between Georgie and Wayne with a look of disbelief.

"Really?" She whisper yelled to Georgie.

"It's fine, he has like 15 grand kids." Georgie said, shrugging.

"We'll get back to that." Connie huffed then turned to Georgie. "I have spent my day listening to y/n bitch about you."

"Well, I don't suppose you spoke up for me?" Georgie asked, knowing the answer.

"No!" Connie said immediately. "If you really wanna be with that girl, you will not be the one to stand in her way!"

"I'm not trying to." Georgie said, calmly. "I just want what's best for Jaycee."

"Obviously." Connie scoffed and gestured to where Jane was being held by the strange man.

"Don't you think she deserves a mum who's home with her?" Georgie asked in a obvious tone.

"I think she deserves a mum who is happy and supported by her dad." Connie argued. "You love that girl, don't you?"

More than anything, Georgie thought and his face fell as he re-thought some of the stuff he said to y/n.


𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now