Mochika regains consciousness in surrounded by darkness and as her eyes adjusted to the dark she could see three other silhouettes sitting with their heads down, Mochika tried to get up to see them but her arms were tied up behind her as she struggled in her ropes the figures moved and nodded their heads and she called out to them, whispering in fear, "Mizuki, Tatsuki, Tsuki.."
And a voice came back to her slightly weak, "M-Mochi?"
"Yes, YES! It's me!" She whispered.
"Where are we?" Came another voice.
"Mizuki! I don't know where we are, but if we're all here then.."
" W-whats going on..?" Comes slurred from another corner.
"Tatsuki!" Tsuki exclaims. "Great, we're all here."
"I don't think that's a good thing since we don't know where we are." Mochika says worriedly.
"Well either we're underground or there are no windows," Mizuki noticed.
They all looked around and realized she was right and if that was the case then it would be even harder to get out.
"Hey Mochi, can you untie knots?"Tsuki asks.
"Kind of."
"Cool, can you try to unite mine?"
"I'll try."
After a lot of scratching and cries of pain Mochika was eventually able to get the ropes untied, Tsuki rubbing his wrists says, "You ought to learn how to untie knots."
"There's no time for that now, and whisper if you're going to talk." she answers.
"Well, first things first is to try to find a way out." Said Tatsuki.
"But how!" Cried Tsuki.
"SHHHHH!!" Mochika shushed him, but it was too late, someone opened the door  and stood in the doorway, the four of them squinted at the sudden light and stared at the silhouette in the doorway,
as he look down on them said with a familiar voice, "So you're all awake." And did not sound pleased.

Mochika is startled awake by the sound of thunder, looks to the window and sees the raindrops racing with each other and wondered what she was doing in Tsuki's room and what she was dreaming but gave up after a few minutes and got up to go downstairs for dinner.

As she made her way down, a bolt of lightning shot right outside the window, lighting up the entire hallway for half a second, left Mochika frozen for a minute as a thousand thoughts ran through her head at once,

Will the plan still work?
Will Tsuki cancel everything?
Will the kidnappers keep their promise in this weather?
Will Chisuke be comfortable with it?
Will Tsuki be able to keep his mask on?

So many questions, that Mochika only had to wait a second to know the answer, because at that moment, there was a knock on the front door.

Mochika ran downstairs and stopped halfway to see someone, panting, soaked from the rain and with a drooping head looked up to Mochika,
Mochika looked back at him,
and said, "Hello, Chisuke."

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