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It was another busy day in Japan. The sound of cars driving along the road to their destinations, the usual chatter of the citizens as they walk by, the high and mighty buildings reflecting the light of the sun. It was as lively as one would expect from a country such as this. However, one particular individual was not sharing this mood.

Amidst the sea of people, there was a woman. Her name is Kanade Tokage. It was not all that long ago that her life was filled with joy too. 5 years ago, she got married to a wonderful man, one who had given her many precious and happy memories with the time they spent together. 3 years later, another ray of sunshine entered her life. She gave birth to her son, a gift from god any mother would say and she felt no different. He had the face of his father combined with her shining golden eyes. However, the shine in her eyes had long faded when just recently, she lost both of her pride and joy in a car accident. On the day.. Of her birthday...

The sorrow she felt on that day was immeasurable, it was like every radiant part of her being was sucked away into a black hole. Leaving only the dull shell that is her current self. Her families in law didn't blame her for their death thankfully, but that didn't ease the guilt she had. Still, she continued on living for them, though it was evident that it didn't feel the same. The house she and her family used to live in was sold and she settled down in an apartment. For her to continue staying there was to keep hurting herself, and her late husband wouldn't want that. But in the end, nothing could ever replace them, leading her to live a life of misery. Though, she had been experiencing some weird dreams these last couple of weeks. It wasn't the fact that they were weird however, it was that they repeated the same thing. A child running through a tall, dark and ominous forest. At that, she couldn't hide her sense of foreboding...

Meanwhile, in another universe. The child Kanade dreamt of was running as fast as they can through the enlarged forest. They had messy black hair, with bangs that covered their eyes, baggy clothes that were ripped in some places and were barefooted. However that didn't concern that child, as they ran and ran. Jumping over large tree roots, plowing through the thick and tall grass and even wading across huge puddles of murky water. The child swiftly overcome many obstacles in their way but it was clear that they needed to hide from whatever that is chasing them judging by their ragged breathing. They suddenly turn their head towards the sound of a dog's barking accompanied by loud and fast footsteps. They then try to increase their speed, hoping that their tiny legs could atleast outrun them. Unfortunately, they forgot to look forward and ended up tripping, their small body crashing against the dirt. The child desperately wanted to continue, they ordered their body to keep going, but failed. Whatever air left in their lungs was knocked out when they tripped, leaving the child weak and shaking. And that shaking amplified when the hunters caught up to them.

The first thing the child heard was the growl of a satisfied hound, its breath can be felt on their head. When the child looked up, the animal before them was not the dog many would assume to be. While it has the usual shape of a dog, its size was multiplied to half the size of an elephant. Its face was contorted with big and sharp fangs protruding out of its maw. Its eyes were pitch black with only a white dot to indicate the pupils. Its claws were as sharp as its fangs and it had a malnourished body with skin so thin it showed its skeleton structure.

Then came the source of the footsteps. The child looked to see two giants, both relatively the same height. The one on the right wore a black and patched up cloak, brown baggy trousers with a pair of black boots. His gloved hands held an aged, yet deadly lever action rifle. Its barrel sporting patches of rust and the wooden grip has been left to dull. But the most noticeable detail was its head, the giant had an unnaturally pale and wrinkled skin, its teeth were jagged and crooked and it didn't have any hair. But the most striking detail, was the pale red blindfold wrapped around the eyes. But even with that on, the hunter still kept its aim on the poor child, finger itching at the trigger.

The other giant, wore a dirty dark green sweater, similar baggy pants as the first giant and had a pair of leather shoes. Like its compatriot, the most odd detail about it was the head. Or more specifically its face. Where one would expect a pair of eyes, a nose and mouth, was instead greeted with a swirl of twisted pale flesh, as if someone really flushed it. What's even worse was the oozing black liquid coming out of its center. Hell, the thing dosen't even have ears! And yet, despite it all, the creature looked in the direction of its helpless victim. It was equipped with a relatively old six shot revolver and a lantern hooked to its hips.

The giant then reached out with its free hand to grab the child. At first the child instinctively backed away but was kept in place by the growl of the hound. At the sense of the child's distraught, the blindfolded giant merely let out a horrifying chuckle. As the large hand got closer every second, the child could only hudl in fear. And scream. But unbeknownst to all of them, far above the tallest trees of the forest and far beyond the darkened and cloudy night sky, a star shined brighter than the others. Pulsing, as if responding to the child's scream for help...

The Giant of Light in a  world of Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now