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Little: Changbin(2-4 yrs)

Caregivers: SKZ(Mainly the Aussie line)

Requested by: Me who thinks Changbin is very very VEEERRRRRYYYYY Pretty and a Slayyyyyy🤌💅

Summary: Changbin reads hate comments about him being fat and saying that him acting pretty and adorable is just for attention. His caregivers don't think that.

(Why am I so bad at summaries? ghddhhd)


Changbin was all alone in his room reading the comment section about their recent SKZ CODE and has been crying over some of them. He has already slipped due to the crying and feeling overwhelmed.

'Why is he acting so cute all the time?'

'He's probably doing it for attention LMAO'

'does he really think his arms has muscles? Puhhhleaseee, everyone know those are just fat'

'I wonder why his SKZOO character is a pig and bunny, it should just be a pig XD'

'Can you all people just shut up, I'm a Changbin stan and I can say that he has always been adorable and a very fit man! Though I would want to see his abs sometime'

Little Changbin chuckled at the last comment and quietly thanked that nice person. He has been thinking of showing the world his abs but....the baby is still a little shy.

The little wiped his tears. The comments did made him feel better but the hate comments still linger in his mind which made him tear up again.

Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door and the two Aussies entered the room. Yhe two saw Changbin quickly wiping his tears and looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh baby, were you crying?" Chan asked, "do I have to beat someone today?"

The little sniffed, "nu?..."

"Was that a question or an answer bub?" Felix asked as he took a sit next to the little who whined and burried his face to the younger's neck

"Can you tell us what's wrong bub?" Chan asked, kneeling in front of the two



"Mean peopl say binnie ish fwat and jus wookin fow attensyon" the little cried

"Oh bub, I told you not to read comments" Chan cooed, moving a few strands of hair from Changbin's eyes


"Yes Binnie?"

"Ish Binnie pwetty?"

"You are not pretty" Chan answered making the little tear up


"Shush, I'm not finish talking"


"Binnie, you are not are the most cutest, beautiful, gorgeous, attractive, good looking, handsome, elegant,  and stunning person in the WHOOOLLLEEEEEE World" Chan said flailing his arms, "wait no, not the whole world.....the WHOOOLLLEEEEEE Universe"

Felix's jaw just dropped and little Changbin's eyes sparkled and had a little blush on his cheeks and hid in Felix's neck

"Appa, you make me shyyyy"

"I'm right though"

Their little moment was interrupted when a knock on the door was heards and saw 5 guys falling over each other

"What in the-"

Little Changbin just laughed at sight while Felix took out his phone and took a picture of the chaos

"Ouch! Seungmin get your big butt off of me!" I.N groaned

"Thanks for admitting my butt is big but that's not me"

"What? Then who-"



Leeknow and Han escaped while the other 3 continued bickering

"I heard that some meanies call Changbin fat and ugly and just looking for attention" Leeknow said crossing his arms

" did you-"

"Hyung, he's basically a cat, he can hear anything"


"That makes sense"

The whole day was filled with Changbin appreciation day consisting of a little party, a trip to the mall, a trip to Ateez's dorm for little Changbin to play with his little bestfriend, Wooyoung, and a little chaos here and there



Guess who's sick after a whole day of practice the other day for the National Games😘✌️

Their fault for making us dance under the radiating heat of the sun and was rained on a little😘🫶

Also, school is starting on Wednesday and I am not looking forward to it...

Teachers making us do GTKY(Getting To Know You) all the time even though, I've been with my classmates and have known all of them since what?....12 years?!

Also it's my last year in my school and I am off to college next year🥹

Ahhh yes...tourism

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