Chapter 10

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3rd person pov

After Akira and Mio arrived home, Akira explained what had happened to Maria, and once that was done they decided to head off to bed, but neither Akira or Maria took note of Mio being quiet the whole time.

Later that night Akira was woken by Maria.

Maria: Akira there's trouble! Mio is...!

Akira: What is it?

Maria: She's gone! She isn't in her room!

Akira: What?! That idiot!

Maria: This is my fault...Akira, if you could just tell me where she is...You're the only one who can sense Mio!

Akira then tries to sense Mio spiritual pressure.

Akira: I found her, let's go, Maria.

Maria: Right!

Akira then changes to his soul reaper attire

Akira: Let's go get that idiot sister of ours.

Elsewhere, Mio has made her way to a secluded location and the masked man from before had appeared.

??: You've reached your decision. If you're willing to be the sole sacrifice, then...all of this end.

Mio: That's right. I'm the one...who should be fighting!

Mio then threw multiple magic blasts at the masked man, but he just stood there unfazed.

??: Are you satisfied?

Mio then looked at him annoyed and got ready to attack again.

??: You flames are quite pretty. Shall I order my subordinates to find out?

Mio: You coward!

Mio: You're the one who got them involved. If you want to blame anyone, blame yourself.

Mio looked at him even more annoyed and stood down.

Mio: You're after me aren't you? Please, dont lay a hand on, Akira, Maria or anyone else.

??: A wise decision, very well then, we have a deal.

The man then puts Mio in magical bindings.

??: Shall we go?

Mio: Where are you taking me?

??: The Demon realm. Our master is expecting your vis-

Before he could finish, an air slash came from the side and hit the man and pushed him back, just then Yuki appeared.

Mio: Yuki?!

Yuki didn't reply and continued to rush the masked man, but he was able to push her back.

Mio: Why are you here?!

??: I'm surprised. I didn't think you would ally with her.

Yuki then changed into her hero armor and gets ready to fight the masked man.

Yuki then rushes the masked man, hitting him, but his barrier blocked her attack, but she continued to strike him.

Yuki: Mio...even now, you're trying to offer yourself up in order to protect them. I think I'm starting to understand why Akira is trying to protect you.

Yuki then jumped back and the masked man spoke up.

??: You cant defeat me. You should that.

Yuki: Then take this!

Yuki then attacked the same spot, completely breaking through the barrier, shocking the masked man.

??: How did you break through the barrier?!

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