𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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(before we start, im not making Mido a creep! it makes me so uncomfortable.)

y/n was a very kind girl, she is sweet as sugar. But a year ago, she got really ill, she was in the hospital for a few months and when she went back to school, she got bullied for it...so she transferred to Akademi for the rest of her high school years.

Her parents were in the high class, they were wealthy. they loved their daughter and would do anything for her, but work normally took up all of their time. 

( Y/N POV )

I heard my alarm go off and I groaned as I got out of bed. I didn't want to go to school after... never mind. I get up and put on the new uniform, I did my makeup and curl/straightened (pick what u want) my hair. I wanted to make a good impression. 

I went downstairs and grabbed the bento my mom had made me before she left for work, then I get into the fancy car with my driver to school. 

the driver speaks up "alright miss l/n, we are almost there."


"y/n dear, you need to finish your food...you are almost there."

"Mom im not hungry..."

"Honey if you don't eat you will get even more sick dear."

I felt like I was going to throw up. why was this happening?


When I pulled up, I got a few stares...but I didn't really care, there were other cars with students pulling up as well. I got out and walked up to the school. it was a beautiful school, with such great scenery.

 I was heading to the headmaster's office and I bumped into someone, he dropped all of his books

such a great first impression huh?

"im so sorry!" I help him pick up his books

"thank you," he says with a soft smile.

"of course! um...could you show me where the headmaster's office is?..." I ask as I tilt my head

"of course." he smiles

"would you like a tour after classes?" he offers, a smile growing across his face

"Sure! Thank you!"


"Sure! Thank you!"

she says. her smile is gorgeous, wait no! I just met her. I can't like her? but why was I starting to blush? I point to the headmaster's office and she smiles again.

"thank you! What's your name?" she smiles again. MEGAMO DONT BLUSH DONT BLUSH!

"Megamo Saikou, President of the student council." I smile warmly at her, trying not to blush

"It's nice to meet you Megamo! Im Y/n L/n. thanks for helping me out! bye!" before I could say bye she was gone.

I started to blush as I put my head in my hands. What was this feeling!? my face grew red as a tomato

I can't like her I just met her! 

or can I?...


I had just finished my first class and I walked to my next one. I walked up to the door and sat in my seat,  I noticed some tan girls with blonde hair and some colored highlights giggling in their seats. 

I decided to draw while waiting for our teacher. suddenly I hear a voice coming from the door

"Alright students calm down." it was our teacher...

I look up and see a brown-haired man with bright red eyes.

"alright, students welcome back, as Most of you know my name is Mr. Rana. It's nice to meet some of you guys and to remember the others who didn't pass their tests last year."

he looks towards those tan girls and the one with blue points the middle finger at him, everyone giggles.

he rolls his eyes and tells everyone to start on their work in their books. he suddenly walks over to me...

"Hello dear, what's your name?" he gives me a reassuring smile

"My name is Y/n!" I smile

"alright y/n, if you need anything please let me know!" he seems nice! Time flew by and It was the end of the day, I waited by a fountain for Megamo, he was going to give me a tour. I see him ahead

"hi, Megamo!' I smile brightly

"hey, Y/n! let's show you the clubs before I give you a tour," he says in a soft tone

we walk towards the gym.

"here's the sports club, the club leader Oso will give you more information if you would like to join." he points to a blonde male running track. I was never allowed to do sports after everything that has happened...but someday I hope I could.

he then walks into the gym with me and we see two purple-haired people practicing for some sort of play.

"This is the drama club, where they are rehearsing their new show, Romeo and Juliet."

"that sounds cool! maybe I should go see the show." my eyes sparkle in amazement, he smiles.

"yes, you should, the shows they put on are magnificent." I smile at his comment.

we walk down the halls and a thought pops in my mind.

"hey, Megamo...is there a cooking club?"


"hey, Megamo...is there a cooking club?" Y/n asks me

"Oh yes, there is. do you like to cook?"

"yes, I like to cook, mainly bake! but I might try out for the student council..." I smile at her excitement, YES! Y/n can be with me throughout student council meetings!

we walk towards the club and we walk towards Amao Odyaka, the club leader.

"Hello, Amao! your club is amazing!" she smiles cutely again...NO MEGAMO DONT! DONT BLUSH!

"Thanks Y/n!" how does he know her name? They must have a class together...

he speaks up again "Would you like to try a cupcake?" he pulls out a plate with cupcakes decorated as cats, she takes one and eats it.

"mmmm, this is really good!" she says

"here you have some icing on your face..." Amao chuckles as he places his hand on her face wiping the icing off for her.

what was this feeling? anger? jealousy? no... it can't be...

I clenched my fists but tried to calm down...but it didn't really work well, I came to a realization.

I love Y/n...no matter what...I will do anything to keep her safe. her gorgeous smile....her cute personality...

I love her.

She will be mine.


wow, this chapter took long! I hope yall liked it and feel free to give me ideas! love yall!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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