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It has been 8 months and 2 weeks since I found out that I was pregnant.

I know that soon I will be giving birth knowing I am so scared because this will hurt really bad and I almost wish I didn't get pregnant but it's fine I think.

Right now I'm in the kitchen making lunch for everyone while the boys are out on a mission. 

They said they would be here by lunch so I wanted to make something for them because they must be really tired from all that work.

The main door opened so quickly which scared me for a moment. I wasn't scared of who was coming through, I was scared because the door opened really quickly.

the boys: Hey Areum

Areum: Hi

I felt two pair of hands wrapped around my waist, I instantly knew who it was because of his cologne.

Hyunjin: hey princess

Areum: hey jinnie

Hyunjin: new name huh? 

Areum: yup 

Hyunjin: its nice

Areum: because its from me. 

He chuckled a bit before speaking again. 

Hyunjin: hows the baby? 

I turned around and faced him looking him in the eyes. 

Areum: good but when will I get to know the babies gender, its not fair that you know but I don't. 

Hyunjin: because I want to surprise you with its room. 

Areum: its room... It has a room?

Hyunjin: yeah we had a extra room perfect size for the baby its already finished too, the boys helped.

Areum; aw that's so nice. 

I had an idea. 

when the boys leave the house I will go look in all of the rooms and find out the gender. 

Hyunjin: I know what you going to do, the room is locked all the time so there's no point in trying to look for the room. 

Areum: w-what I wasn't going to do that. 

Hyunjin: are you sure? 

Areum: yes 100%

Hyunjin: whatever you say. 

~Time Skip~ 

(Next day)

I'm washing the dishes right now while Jeongin is helping me dry them and put them away.

Jeongin: What will you name the baby if its a boy?

Areum: I dont know 

Jeongin: What if its a girl? 

Areum: not sure. 

Jeongin: oh well have to think of something soon. 

Areum: yeah I gue- ah J-jeongin

Jeongin: w-what wrong what happened?

Areum: m-my water b-broke, I n-need to go t-to the h-hospital. 


He shouted, he was still holding onto me so I dont fall or get hurt. 

Hyunjin came dashing into the kitchen with a worried face. 

Hyunjin: W-what what labor? 

Areum: yes idiot take me to the hospital. 

Hyunjin: okay come on. 

He picked me up and helped me walk to the car placing me in the passengers seat and putting on the seat belt. 

Areum: My shoes, I need my shoes. 

Hyunjin: oh right yeah me too. Ill be back. 

He ran back inside to grab some shoes and came back in less than a minute with shoes for both of us. 

He put my shoes on for me, closed the door, and went to the drivers seat. 

He turned on the car then drove while putting on his slip on shoes. 

Hyunjin: How are you feeling princess. 

He said taking glances at me every 5 seconds.

Areum: bad it hurts so much, this child keeps trying to push itself out. 

Hyunjin: We'll be there soon. 

We made it to the hospital as Hyunjin ran out of the car coming to me. 

He opened the door, unbuckled me and picked me up bridal style. 

Areum: dont hold me like that its embarrassing. 

Hyunjin: princess who cares about that right now. 

We got in the hospital, Hyunjin started calling for some doctors explaining that im in labor. 

Doc; okay put her on here and we will take her to the room. you can follow. 

Hyunjin: okay. 

I was feeling really tired and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. 

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in a room with Hyunjin sitting next to me. 

Hyunjin: princess your awake, that doctor said she will come soon. never mind she's here.

The doctor came in with a cart that had towels and other stuff you would need to take out the baby. 

Areum: It hurts it wont stop pushing and im scared. 

Hyunjin: Princess dont worry im here, im here right beside you and I wont leave you I promise. 

He said giving me a reassuring smile and holding my hand rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. 

I could tell he was nervous himself. 

Doc: okay were going to start get ready to push. 

The doctor spoke I was getting really nervous I could feel sweat starting form on my forehead. 

Areum: mhm 

Doc: okay ready 1.. 2.. 3 push

I pushed so hard that I felt like I was going to pass out soon. 

I screamed so loud while pushing every time the doctor told me to.

Areum: Hyunjin it hurts I dont think I can do it again. 

Hyunjin: princess you got this one more push and thats all. 

Doc: one more ready? 

Areum: mhm 

I was too tired to speak I was going to pass out soon but I had to get this baby out. 

Hyunjin: Princess one more. 

Doc: 1.. 2.. 3 push push push 

I did the final push and soon I heard baby cries. 

I am so tired that I didn't even get to see my baby, I passed out. 

The last thing I heard was. 

Hyunjin: oh my god he's so cute.


yeah its a boy i used the wheel of names to choose. 

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