Chapter 25

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Elyse pulled the van in which she would transport everyone to the helicopter under the portico of the hotel and cut the engine. She needed a minute to prepare herself to see Sawyer again. She was determined to be strong this time and not cave at his first kiss like always.

Her shopping had taken twice as long as it needed to because she didn't want to get to the hotel earlier than expected because it would mean a possible conversation with Sawyer, which she wanted to avoid as long as possible. It would happen, but it didn't need to happen right away.

The text messages she could get over. They weren't all his fault, but the fact that he hadn't contacted her in four months was what really hurt. He said he loved her in a text message, then nothing. He had ghosted her.  It didn't feel like the actions of a man in love.

When the van finally got too hot to remain comfortable, she climbed out and slammed the door a little harder than she needed to, then taking a deep breath, she walked into the nice, if slightly dated, hotel.

She expected to have to ask reception to call all the respective parties, but upon entering the dark and cool lobby, she found all her passengers were waiting for her.

Reyna, who was saying something to Sullivan, smiled as she saw Elyse and stood, holding out her hands in greeting.

"Hello, Elyse." She kissed her on the cheek. "You look well."

Elyse accepted the kiss, then let her eyes bounce off everyone, saving Sawyer for last.  He looked drawn and tired, and his hair was too long. He stood in a t-shirt, and a pair of cargo pants, with his hands shoved in his pockets.

He looked so unsure, and it was unlike him. Elyse felt herself caving, so she asked if everyone was ready in a business-like tone.

They all agreed, and she loaded the luggage while everyone piled into the van. Elyse was distressed as Sawyer climbed into the front seat next to her.

"Would you like me to drive?" Sawyer asked as she started the engine.

"Why would I want you to drive?  Would you like to fly the helicopter too?" she responded, shocked by her harsh response. It was unlike her. She peeked at Sawyer and noticed he didn't seem shocked, only resigned at her hostile tone.

Elyse navigated the streets while answering the other's many questions, and it didn't take them long to arrive at the site where the helicopter was kept.

"This will take a little while. I have to load everything from the van to the helicopter, then do the necessary checks before we can leave. I can leave the van running so no one gets too hot," she offered, not expecting anyone to help, but to her surprise, everyone offered to help.

"You go do what you need to do, dear," Pops said. "I'll take charge of this lot." He clapped his hands and ordered everyone out of the van. Then he shoved a bunch of bridal magazines into Elyse's hands. "Put those somewhere safe, won't you?"

"Ummm, sure, Elyse agreed as she looked at the others, who appeared unconcerned by his sudden take-charge attitude. He jumped out of the van, but no one was quick to follow.

"He's a wedding planner this month, dear," Reyna explained as she reached for the magazines.  "I'll go with you. I don't suppose you have any crossword puzzle books at the site, do you?" Reyna looked at Elyse, hopefully. "It's the only time he's quiet."

"No, but I think Phee ordered some, and they're in the back. I picked them up today." Elyse opened her door.

"Bless, Phee. She thinks of everyone," Sawyer said as he climbed out of the van and went to follow his father's instructions.  Elyse watched for a minute, noting that the tables had turned, and now Sawyer was the one following Pop's orders.

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