(a/n: Am trying my best not to make another twst story but you are dorm leader based on Ganondorf....Zelda things are my stuff)
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or in this case reading this story :)
Night Raven Collage - Main Street
Ace and Grim got hit my the lash of love as I looked down in shame knowing I have failed to keep Grim in check and now a statute was charred.
As Crowley looked at me I can feel the disappointment in his gaze as well in his voice as he spoke, "And you, M/n. You were specifically told to keep Grim under control!" as I continued to look down as I spoke in a sad tone, "I'm sorry Headmaster Crowley..."
"This will not do." He shook his head as he faced Ace next, "And you! State your name and grade." Ace looked at Crowley in shame as rubbed his neck "Ace Trappola...Freshmen." Crowley nodded as he looked at all of us. "Then listen well, Trappola. You too, Grim and M/n. As punishment for today's infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!" I nodded "Myah?!" Grim looked alarmed and then looked furiously at Ace.
"That's what you get for makin' fun of me and my hench-human! This is all your fault!" Ace looked at Crowley in surprise and ignoring Grim. "Whaaat? I have to do it too?!" Crowley nodded, "Of course you do. You will meet in the cafeteria after class. Are we clear?"
"Yes sir" "Yes Headmaster Crowley" me and Ace said in unison as Grim looked at his side, "Ugh, I just can't catch a break!" Crowley looked at us one final time as he nodded and left. I looked down in shame as Grim seemed ashamed as well. I looked at Ace sadly, "Ace, its better you leave to your classes." I picked up Grim as I bowed "We both have caused you enough problems today please take your leave." Ace looked at me in shock as he scoffed and left.
I looked at the charred statute as I wonder what I can do to fix it but decided to leave that matter until we clean the campus. "Grim lets start our job now and not waste time" as I placed him down and grabbed some trash off the ground and a bell rang.
Ace pov
I walked down the hallway trying to get to class as I spoke to myself angrily, "Stupid weasel getting me in trouble just cause I teased him and his little boy..." well I kinda feel bad now.
Even after he got in trouble he was still kind to me by telling me to go to class and even apologizing even though he did nothing but try to protect the statues with a weird weapon in his hand. Heck I thought he might punch me or something his clothing was black,grey and silverish like what a bad guy might wear but he was the total opposite...