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"Hi," y/n said on Saturday morning as her and Georgie walked into the kitchen where Connie and Mary where after putting Jane down for a nap.

"Hi." Connie and Mary said. "Did y'all get her down?" Connie asked.

"Yeah," y/n sighed, a bit anxious about leaving Jane, "We're gonna get going before she wakes up."

"I am so glad you two are spending some quality time together." Mary said excitedly.

"Mum." Georgie said, annoyed.

"She's right, we earned it." Y/n said to him.

"I don't love that you're going to share a hotel room—" Mary added in a disapproving tone and was cut off by Georgie saying "Mum!" Again.

"Well you're not married—" Mary continued making Georgie roll his eyes and say "Mum!" In a even more annoyed tone and Connie say, "Stop!" Even though y/n was chuckling slightly.

"I'm done." Mary put her hands up in defence.

"She's not. Run." Connie said.

"See ya." Y/n said, and picked up her overnight bag.


"Wow!" Y/n gasped as her and Georgie entered their hotel room.

It had a big comfortable bed and a nice view and had a nice hotel smell.

"Ah, uh. Nice." Georgie commented putting his and y/n's bags down, not sounding very amused.

Y/n put her purse down and kicked off her shoes before jumping on the bed.

"You have to feel this bed." She told Georgie, laying on her back. "It's the softest thing I've ever felt. I don't think I can leave it."

Georgie came and sat on the bed, y/n was expecting him to lay next to her but he didn't.

"Yep that's soft." He said, un enthusiastically.

"Okay," y/n said, sitting up. "What?!"

"What?" Georgie questioned back in a defensive way.

"Do you not want to be here?" Y/n asked him. "Are you that worried about the massage? You know you don't have to get one."

"It ain't the massage." Georgie groaned, "Well, maybe a little, they ain't gonna touch my butt are they?"

"No!" Y/n said, knitting her eyebrows together, "it's a massage not a grope session."

"Oh, forget it." Georgie scoffed, turning away from her.

"I thought you wanted us together." Y/n said, her face still in a frown."you were about to ask me to marry you and suddenly you don't want to be with me anymore?"

Georgie frowned, "You knew I was about to say that?" He asked.

Y/n was about to answer but a knock at the door made her turn away from him and get up.

Georgie got up to whilst y/n opened the door, acting like they weren't just fighting.

"Hi," said one of the two women masseuses who stood at the door. "I have you booked for an in room couples massage."

"Nows not a good time—" Georgie went to dismiss them as he wanted to talk to y/n but y/n cut him off.

"Screw you. I'm getting a massage." She said, but smiling at the two ladies.


Y/n didn't have any clothes on for her massage and had a sheet covering her bum and her lower back as the masseuse massaged her upper back.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now