Prologue: Those Who Watch

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AN: Originally I wanted to post this after the castle was built but the brain rot won. So you get it now. Once again blame Aikrathecat for this cause she inspired me again. Prepare for lots of lore/character info in this. Das what happens when you add ocs to a fic instead of playing with established characters (no regrets tho)

"How much father...I'm tired of walking in the dark..." Whined a Snifit. She, along with a Toad, an Angel, and...Well actually she didn't know what exactly Nyx was but it probably wasn't a human, were exploring a long-forgotten cave near the remains of what was once Peach's castle. The cave had once been blocked off to prevent anyone from accidentally falling in. But due to the destruction of the castle and it now having a flesh pit in its place, no one was around to notice the group digging and discovering the cave.

The cave itself was dark, with a river flowing through it. Occasionally, she could make out columns or walls made of brick, telling her that this cave clearly had a purpose at one point. The only light source was the one from her angel companion's halo and his staff.

Said companion, Blanc, was shaking like a leaf, terrified of the dark "C-c-can we leave? I-I doubt it's here!" The angel stammered. His all-white attire: suit jacket, pants, and sneakers, made him stand out in the black and brown cave. Normally, he had his wings spread and headphones on, but his wings were pulled tight to his body and his headphones rested around his neck. One of his hands was clutching his cross necklace, the other holding his staff, a white bar with a yellow orb on both ends. The one on the top was larger, with small white wings on the side. It was giving off a slight glow, albeit it was shakey due to his own hands.

"It's here!" Nyx barked, starling a faint cry out of Blanc "We just need to keep looking. Nyx was their leader and the whole reason they were here in the first place. They needed people to help with their scheme.

"O-o-okay..." Blanc said, pushing some of his blond hair out of his eyes. Sakura rolled her eyes from under her mask. Honestly, she didn't know why Blanc joined, to begin with. He had the bravery of a wet paper bag. He's lucky he was a damn good technical genius, otherwise, she knew Nyx would've kicked him to the curb.

Not her though. As a former troop of Bowser, she had experience on the battlefield. She was promoted to a Snifit for good reason. She loved weapons, explosive ones being her favorite. So when her old boss turned from a fierce villain to essentially a joke, she was out of there!

It turned out to be the best decision she ever made. For one, she wasn't bound by her former boss' strict dress code, and that was shown in her appearance. While she kept the standard snifit look: poncho, shoes, mask, and belt, she had made her own changes to make it uniquely hers. The poncho was pink, with a white lace trim on the edge. Her shows were white with small pink bows on the front. Her belt was a dark pink ribbon, tied into a large bow on her back. Her mask still could fire bullets, or whatever else she wanted, but she had added eyelashes to the eyeholes, a light pink blush and straps attaching it to her head were white.

The other thing her quitting had given her was the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted instead of getting some stupid princess in her opinion. She mostly spent her time blowing shit up and generally causing chaos.

So when Nyx had told her about their plans of world domination, she was in.

"We've passed that waterfall 4 times already. We've been going in circles. This is wasting time at this point." Chloro deadpanned.

"It's here I know it! We just need to find the entrance..." Nyx said, looking around the cave. The toad just rolled his eyes.

"I was under the impression this job was going to be dangerous and worth my time. Instead, I've wasted time I could've spent on a better job. You have 5 minutes. If nothing happens I'm leaving and taking the money with me." Sakura knew he was serious.

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