Chapter 6: Evil Doesn't Rest, It Waits

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AN: Decided the villains deserve some fleshing out, so here we are!

Chloro tapped his fingers against the couch's armrest rhythmically. He's not sure how long he's been waiting here. Not that it really matters. He's getting paid either way so who gives a shit.

Speaking of his employer, He has no idea where the hell Nyx is. Or Blanc. Not that he really cares about the latter. He couldn't really get a reading on him. He was a pushover, and way too soft for this kind of work. Yet he's still around. Not only is he still around, he's Nyx's right-hand man. It's still a mystery but he doesn't get paid enough to question it or even care.

If he had to guess, it's probably to do with that crystal they brought back. According to what Nyx says about it, the power it contains is beyond mortal understanding. Unfortunately, with the source of its power gone, they have to find...other ways to power it. So far all they've really done is put people in everlasting nightmares, using their souls for something. Nyx didn't really tell him and once again, he doesn't get paid enough to care.

At least the place they're staying at is nice. Some mansion. It belonged to some Splatfest champion. One-Shot Ken, he recalls. Although he eventually lost it and then some rapper got it. Chloro doesn't really listen to music so he couldn't even begin to guess who it was. Either way, he eventually flopped and lost the mansion too. It eventually sat as abandoned, making it the perfect spot for them to hide out in. Even if some of the statues were weird and the paintings looked like someone pasted their face over it.

Chloro sighs, resting his mushroom afro on the cushion and closing his eyes. He was prepared to just relax when he was startled by the sound of gunfire. He ended up falling off the couch, landing on the mushroom ball he had on his afro before falling on his side due to its roundness making it impossible to rest on. He gave an annoyed sigh, dragging his hand down his face before sitting up. He didn't bother to get his sword which was sitting in its sheath next to him, he had a feeling he knew who was doing this anyways. He followed the sound, eventually standing in front of a room with a very pink and glittery 'Keep Out or Die' sign on the door. Only one person here would have that. Sure enough, he opens the door to find...

Sakura shooting. With a Glock, not even using her mask. At the ceiling. 

She noticed Chloro, giving the Toad a wave "Hi!" She said, before going right back at it. He should be surprised, but somehow he's not. Sakura interesting person.

By that, she prefers to shoot first and ask questions never.

"The hell are you doing?"

"Shooting the ceiling. Duh." The Snifit answered as if it was the most normal thing in the entire world.

"Why?" He asked, more exasperated than anything.

"I don't like the way this rag fucker was staring at me. So I was trying to get rid of his stupid ass face." With her hand that wasn't holding one of her many guns, she gestures at the walls. Now that he's looking he's paying attention, the wallpaper which had peeling in places, is decorated with the image of what he assumes is probably that rapper. Although right now it's been torn in places, mainly in the area where his face would've been. In some places, she had either used the furniture or a crate of hers to block it off. 

"Okay....but why just shoot the ceiling rather than what you've been doing?"

"I'm short, duh. Couldn't reach it. And unlike the walls, I couldn't stand on anything. So I decided to do what I usually do with a problem!" She said cheerily

"Shoot it?" Chloro deadpanned

"You got it!" Although any expression she would've made is hidden by her mask, Cholor can tell she was smiling. She went back to shooting it in the face.

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