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"Please look after Sheldon and I as we travel to Germany—"

"Sheldon and Me." Sheldon corrected Mary as she said grace at the dinner table.

"God doesn't care about grammar." Mary said, calmly.

"You're not gonna be on a ten hour flight with God." Sheldon argued.

"I bet it's gonna feel longer than ten." Georgie muttered.

"And please watch over George and Missy while we're away." Mary continued saying grace, ignoring her sons. "And thank you for the blessing of y/n and Georgie's engagement. Amen."

"Amen." Everyone repeated and started to eat.

Everyone was thrilled y/n and Georgie had gotten engaged whilst they were away (although Connie saw it coming). Mary was especially thrilled as they won't have a baby out of wedlock now.

Mary and Sheldon left for Germany the next day for some science opportunity for Sheldon so a family dinner was in order. Except Missy whom
y/n didn't where she was.

Y/n sat next to Georgie, his hand resting on her knee and Jane was asleep in her bassinet in the living room.

"So, Moonpie are you excited for Germany?" Connie asked Sheldon.

"Thrilled." Sheldon answered quickly, "or should I say—"

"For the love of god no more German." George SR cut him off.

"Where's Missy?" Y/n asked, curiously.

"In her room. She's mad at me for telling on her." Sheldon answered and y/n noticed he had a somewhat guilty tone in his voice.

"And me for grounding her." George SR added.

"Don't beat yourself up. You did the right thing." Sheldon said to him.

"Just give her some time, she will cool off." Y/n said, knowing how many times when she was 13 she stormed off to her bedroom.

"Yeah, you were always pissed at me now we're getting married." Georgie chuckled from beside her and squeezed her knee.

Y/n turned her head to the side and smiled at him as Mary said, "To be clear no weddings until I get back."

"I haven't even told my parents yet, so don't worry." Y/n chuckled. "There's an 80% chance my mother will be thrilled but the other 20...you've met her."

"Although she's been pretty sweet with Jaycee." Georgie pointed out.

"Well," Mary said, looking at her plate. "Some people are better grandmas then mums."

"Is that a swipe at me?" Connie asked.

"Could be a compliment." Mary shrugged. "Maybe I was saying you improved with—"

"Stuff it." Connie cut her off.

"I think you're a wonderful Grandma." George SR spoke up.

"You can stuff it too." Connie snapped at him.

They got back to eating, and seconds later y/n heard Jane stirring from the living room and then crying.

"Oh, excuse me." She said, putting her napkin down and standing up.

"Want me to get her?" Georgie asked, standing up too.

"I got her." Y/n answered and walked towards the living room.

Georgie followed her anyway.

"Hello, Janey." Y/n said, picking up her crying infant and Jane's cries began to slow upon hearing y/n's voice.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now