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▪Drew and Brandon are both very scared of spiders, but Brandon always the one to kill them (just so he can impress Drew.)

▪Drew has been playing piano since he was 7. His mother knew how to play and they had a grand piano in their house, so he got tired of looking at it everyday without knowing how to play it, so he begged his mother to teach him and she did for a long time. Once she was gone, he continued to teach himself.

▪Brandon somewhat knows how to play guitar. He has a struggle remembering chords sometimes, but he can pick up on songs pretty fast. He doesnt play often and never really intended on learning to play at all, but once Drew moved away, he wanted to find a new hobby to take his mind off of everything. Once Drew came back, the interest slowly went away.

▪Ever since Drew was little, he has been scared of thunderstorms. He isnt "TOO" scared now that he's older, but they still shake him up a bit thinking back to how much they terrified him when he was younger. He's never really had an explanation to why he is scared of them, he just says he thought the sky rumbling was unnatural and scary.

▪When Brandon was younger, he had a very bad studdering problem. Although, it only happened when he was very excitable; when he was very happy, upset, nervous, or scared. His studdering worsen whenever he was around Drew. Drew always noticed this and would even try to make it worst by embarrassing Brandon some more. It comes back up sometimes when he gets flustered or embarrassed.

▪Whenever Brandon is upset, Drew tells him to lay against his chest, as he messes with his hair and sings to make him relax. As for Drew, Brandon will cuddle up against his back, nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck, and calmly reassures him of everything great about himself.

▪Drew and Brandon really enjoy chilling out and listening to classic rock. It gives them an old nostalgic feeling and makes them remember back to when they were kids and when life was simpler. Their favorite thing to do is to take a ride at night and blast some classic hits through the speakers or to lay on Brandon's roof and look at the stars, laying one of their phones between them and playing some songs off a playlist.

▪Drew's sister Danielle is very good at reading minds. She always knows the best time to pick on the boys because she can read them like a book. They try hiding things from her or pretend to be, but she can always tell when they're lying. Its a good but bad thing, mainly because if they ever have an argument the night before (or a steamy exchange), she knows and always ends up questioning about it.

▪Unlike Drew, Brandon isnt really close to his family at all. His mother is always either at work or tending to his sister's needs, like taking her to softball practice or taking her other places. Him and his mom never really talk unless its necessary, along with his sister Sidney. Although, if his sister is very upset anything, she always depends on Brandon to talk to and make her feel better. They talk everything out and then play some video games to cheer up.

▪Brandon has a bad tendency to like famous guys and doesnt know why most of the time, but he tends to keep it to himself. Sometimes if he's hanging out with Drew and sees a certain celebrity he likes, he'll point it out without even realizing it. Depending on who or why Brandon likes them, Drew gets really jealous and offensive when figuring out. He starts insulting them and saying he's seen better, so most of the time Brandon has to remind him that no one is better than him. It either ends in him madly pouting and saying "Whatever dude..", but Brandon knows Drew is alright and doesn't feel too bad, especially because Drew like makes inappropriate jokes about guys on TV all the time.

•Brandon has a cat named Chester that he's had ever since he was little. He was a birthday gift from his mom because she thought it would be nice for him to have a pet. Before he was old enough to start caring for him himself, he just wondered around the house and slept wherever. Being older now, Brandon keeps him in his room mostly and spoils him with treats whenever he goes out to buy anything. He's the main reason Brandon can't keep cash.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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