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there's the choreography for reference, jisung being the male with the orange cap and hyunjin being the male with the black + white cap.

"there he is again," minho scoffs, rolling his eyes and turning to his friend felix.

the freckled boy looks over minhos shoulder at the boy he was referring to, watching as jisung flirted away with one of the female dancers. he shrugs, "what seems to be the problem? you've been ill towards him ever since he arrived, and it's been months now."

"his presence doesn't bother you? he's so- so ugh!" minho grumps, stomping his feet on the studio floor like a little child.

felix chuckles, shaking his head, "he's so nice, minho. he's even tried to be your friend! you're just so stubborn."

the elder scoffs, "he's far too masculine, i hate how he dances."

"that's no reason to dislike someone," felix tells, taking a sip of his water.

"oh speak of the fucking devil, he's coming this way."

jisung walks over to the chatting boys, a bright smile on his face that had sweat beads trickling down the side of it, probably from learning a choreography.

"yo," he greets, tossing an arm around minho.

felix beams, "hi jisung! how're things going?" the raven shrugs, "the usual, hyunjin and i are working on this choreography to show later today before classes let out."

the eldest raises a brow, "finally dancing with males for once!" jisung gives an airy laugh, puckering his lips, "heard hyunjin gives good kisses, might wanna find out myself."

the australian snorts, "straight men and their homosexual activities."

"straight?" the raven hums, "who told you i was straight?"

felixs eyes bulge out of his heads. he was under the impression that the other male was straight for months now, hell there were even rumors of him getting blowjobs from his female dancers. minho on the other hand remained nonchalant.

"are you not straight? you definitely look it," the blonde giggles, his cheeks flushing red from embarrassment.

jisung cocks his head, "far from it."

"no way i'm believing that," minho scoffs, shrugging the boys arm from around him. jisung gives him a daring grin, "wanna go find out then?"

"hey jisung!" a pretty girl with long brown hair calls out, running over to the three boys and interrupting their previous conversation. she latches her hands on jisungs tatted arm, staring up at him with huge eyes and rosy cheeks.

"need something?" the boy questions, eyeing her up and down in a teasing manner, he knew what he was doing and it brought him joy.

she licks her lips, "i heard you were choreographing something so i was wondering if you needed any dancers maybe?"

felix and minho look at eachother, rolling their eyes as they watch jisung receive pure bliss from leading this poor girl on.

"nah, i found someone already."

she pouts, "then we could talk after class!"

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