1-lie-la's damage

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Marinette POV

I walked into school, happy to be there. I never understood why kids didn't like school.

"I can't believe you would do that!" rose yells at me.

"Rose what are you taking about?" I asks concerned.

"Stop acting innocent, Lila told us the truth," nino added.

Everyone keep yelling insults at me and it was to much to handle. The only one not yelling was adrein, he just gave me a disappointed look.

"I though you were better then this," he said softly before waking away.

I pulled alya out to the hall, hoping she could explain what was going on.

As I was about to speak, she interrupted me.

"You think just because of your ladybug you can bully Lila" alya started

I tried to explain but she kept taking.

"You don't deserve that title, you believe just because you go prancing around in your stupid red suit that you can treat poor Lila like trash?! She is a better person and friend then you will ever be. And I bet she would make a better ladybug then you" alya finished

I tried to explain to her that I never bullied Lila but I could barely see her thought my blurry vision. My words were stuck in my throat. I ran away hoping this was a bad dream.

On my way home I got a text from the principal saying I was expelled. I can't believe my life fell apart in 10 minutes.

When I got home, I was greeted with a disappointed mom and an angry dad. 

"Expelled?! Seriously marinette!" My dad yelled.

"The girl Lila, she made it all up," I tried to explain.

"It's bad enough that your bullying her, now your denying it and calling her a liar? Your grounded until further notice," my mom said calmly.

Tiki tried to comfort me but I just wanted to sleep. To wake up from this nightmare.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

As soon as I woke up, I checked my phone to see if everyone still hated me for "bullying" Lila.

Unfortunately it wasn't a nightmare.

The day was pretty uneventful, thankfully my parents were leaving for a few weeks so they weren't yelling at me every second of the day. 

As I stayed in my room I could feel I was losing myself. I didn't have motivation for anything, i just wanted to feel something.

As I was going though my phone to see who had me blocked, I saw one of my old friends names that I completely forgot about til now.

I decided to call her just to catch up with her.

"Hey girl how've you been," Amanda greeted with a cheerful tone.

"Pretty shitty actually," I laughed.

"I have a way to take your mind off things if you want," she offered.

"That's amazing when are you free," I asked with excitement.

Amanda offered to come over now and I agreed.

When she showed up to my house, she handed me a bottle.

"Trust me, it will make the pain better," she told me.

I was hesitant at first and I knew alcohol was bad if this really could numb the pain it would it be worth it.

When Amanda left, she offered to let me keep the bottle and I gladly excepted.

Being drunk makes it's so much easier to cope with with pain.

Over the next week I found out that when I couldn't drink, cutting did the job just as well.

I often had thoughts of killing myself and wishing it all to end.

I knew I was falling apart but I couldn't do anything to stop it.

A/N don't forgot to vote, comment and follow!

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