5. How lonely I've been

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Jungkook banged his bedroom door shut, animosity rolling off of him in waves as Jin yelled after him, his voice turning fainter by the minute as the young boy focused on his feelings. Only a few days ago, Taehyung was here, having food prepared by his mother while playing video games sitting on the same chair that he slumped on.

His eyes had tears of agitation as he closed his ears, not caring about the words coming faintly to him but wishing he could go back in time and talk to his best friend for one last time. Taehyung was silent for a few weeks before he passed. He asked him time and time again if the boy was going through a difficult time, but the older always denied it, covering up his woes by grinning ear-to-ear to put Jungkook at ease. 

He couldn't get rid of the trail of what-ifs. 

What if Taehyung did it on purpose?

What if he forced his friend to talk?

Maybe Taehyung would have shared his predicaments with him.

Maybe he would have been able to offer help.

And maybe Taehyung would still be alive.

Jungkook flinched when Jin banged on his door. Sudden anger erupted inside him as he threw a bottle of water at it, making the metal collide with the door before falling to the ground. The sharp sound stung in the air and he cinched his head harder, wanting to find some peace like that of the sanctuary. 

Air swooshed in through the window and before Jungkook could think anything, all sounds stopped, as though they floated away with the wind. Jungkook blinked his teary eyes, inhaling deeply and exhaling with a satisfied moan. His legs were hesitantly taking him towards the door but they skewed when he saw Jimin's silhouette on his bed.

He should've known. Everything he felt in Jimin's presence started pressing on his chest harder. It was like a light switch working to flip the sensations in his body.

Jungkook made a run for the door and opened it. Something in his mind was offering the worst possible assumptions. He was expecting to see Jin's dead body lying on the floor, and that was what he found.

"You're too stubborn," Jimin smiled, effectively cutting Jungkook's bubbling panic off. "And he's just asleep." He pointed outside when Jungkook looked back at him with his doll, enlarged eyes, chest heaving.

The innocent-looking boy covered up the distance to his bed in clumsy strides before launching himself in Jimin's lap. The older male gripped his waist, securing him in his arms. Jungkook's lashes fluttered as he softly moaned, circling Jimin's neck with a demanding grip. "I am not stubborn."

"Sure," Jimin laughed, trailing the tips of his fingers over the teen's right cheek, causing the latter to shudder. "You can be anything but you are perfect, to me." He stated tenderly.

"I didn't want to leave without telling you. I am glad you got my note." Jungkook guided Jimin's other hand up his waist, making the man feel his skin that was alive for him. 

"What note?" Jimin asked absently, his focus solely on Jungkook's helpless and lust-filled eyes.

"The one in which I left my address."

Jimin was silent for a beat. 

Jungkook's brows dipped. "You didn't find my note. Did you?"

Jimin shook his head, his emphasis shifting to Jungkook's glistening lips that were dark pink after he bit on them. The man almost grunted in disapproval when Jungkook pulled himself away. He made it seem effortless, but Jimin knew better as he arched his brow in forewarning. "How did you know I live here?" Jungkook asked in an accusatory tone.

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