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You were sitting in a small stool next to your twin brother, the doctor walked in and said his greetings. He sat down and typed something on the computer and then hesitantly looked at us before continuing.

Doctor: It seems that your son is quirkless. As for your daughter, she should be showing signs of a quirk soon, there is no reason why not.

Your mom looked at her children then turned to the doctor.

Inko: How do you know that one is quirkless and not the other?

He turned his computer screen to face us and showed an x-ray of Izuku's foot side by side to yours.

Doctor: If you see here, your daughter has only one joint in her pinky toe, while your boy has two joints. Now-a-days people born with quirks have only one joint. Only about 20% of today's population has two joints in their pinky toe suggesting they are quirkless.

You looked at the expression held on your brother's face. He was shocked by his dreams being crushed. He was blank...


Your alarm clock rings loudly in your ear, waking you up from your memory of a dream.

Inko: Izuku! Y/n! Get up! Don't be late for school.

You groaned, stumbling out of bed and into the hallway to see your brother rubbing his eyes walking to the bathroom.

Y/n: Morning...

Still half asleep Izuku turned slightly facing you and nodded his head. You got ready for school. You only had a few more days of school before you had to apply to high school and move on with life.

Y/n: Hey Zu.

Izuku: Hmm?

Y/n: What number hero notebook are you on now?

He smiled, you seemed to be the only one who cared about his notebooks and his dream.

Izuku: Number 13

You laughed.

Y/n: Wow! 13! You are a real nerd. How can you write so much?

He shoved you lightly.

Izuku: Because I am smarter than you will ever be.

You turned and gasped.

Y/n: Zu! I am offended!

You both laughed and continued to school.

This was a normal day for Izuku and you. While at the entrance, you didn't see where you were going and ran into someone.

Y/n: Shit! Watch where you're-

Bakugou: Tch!

You looked up to see the ash blonde bully that has been tormenting Izuku for years.

Ever since the day that you found out that Izuku was quirkless, you vowed to never use your quirk so that you can appear quirkless as well but also be able to protect him. Everyone, including your mom, thought that you were quirkless, just like Izuku.

Everyone, except Bakugou. Bakugou is the only one who has ever seen you use your quirk. When you were little, before you knew about Izuku being quirkless, the day you got your quirk you were so excited. You didn't want to tell Izuku until you could fully control your quirk, so after school you would go to the river near the park and practice.

One day while you were practicing, Bakugou was supposedly playing in the park with some friends, but their ball had fallen down the hill and he went to go retrieve it.

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