Cute girl in a lone world 🌍

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Once upon a time ,years ago,there  lived a cute girl with lots of problem around her.So she prayed God and asked for a lone world for herself,then nobody could disturb her.

God blessed and as her wish she was to a lone world .At first everything was good .She lived as she like .

But as days passed,she truly felt that loneness.Slowly she started hating this world.When days went got dark because she completely hated the world.

She was shocked and needed light.She missed her beloved ones.She no longer wanted to be there.She started crying.

Suddenly she heard a sound.Something flew and gently sat on her shoulder.She was frightened and couldn't see in darkness.

There was a gentle voice which started speaking to her.It asked, " Hey girl ,Why are you crying?".She sadly replied that, "This world became dark and which I enjoyed at first, started scaring me.I needed a bright world".

It said her,"Don't worry,it's everything in your eyes.Believe my words and look around ,you could see a beautiful world beyond the darkness ".She looked around and replied,"No I couldn't see anything beyond darkness ".

It replied in bold voice,"Believe in you,your eye,look around, there is a bright world ".

As it said ,she looked around believing,Yes there was a wonderful world bright and colourful.She looked on her shoulder, there was large, vibrant coloured, butterfly 🦋.

Butterfly gently explained her,"Likewise,You would have believed on YOU and have tried to face your problems,instead of trying to escape from them".

She understood the moral and said him,"Yes,I should have opened my eyes wide to see the bright colours beyond the darkness ".

Thanked him.She wholeheartedly prayed god and returned back to our world .

She enjoyed her life with problems and learned from them.Finally, she again became a CUTE GIRL IN HER OWN WORLD.😃

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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