Chapter 4

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The headquarters of the Intelligence and Analysis Wing, Vandram's largest Intelligence organisation and the body officially in charge of the country's Hunter Corps, loomed imposingly large before him as Ruban parked his tiny black sedan next to the gigantic limousine of some visiting foreign dignitary. IAW usually hosted high-ranking diplomats and foreign politicians this time of the year, something about building international cooperation to more effectively combat the threat of Aeriel terrorism. That was the official line anyway. In reality, Emancipation Day was party-time for the higher-ups just as much as it was for the commoners, and the only cooperation actually being built this weekend would be between the party-goers and their champagne flutes.

Still, Ruban had always felt an inherent sense of reverence for this building; ever since the day he had first laid eyes on it over eight years ago. Besides, even a morning spent talking politics with his uncle was a definite improvement over sitting for hours in uncomfortable clothing listening to the droning, rehearsed speeches of a bunch of clueless demagogues.

Flashing his badge at the heavily armed guards at the gates and earning a quick salute for his trouble, Ruban made his way through the lush green grounds that served as the front-yard of the IAW. It was rumoured that this was where Queen Tauheen had carried out most of her executions during the early days of the Revolt – her favourite garden. But then, lots of things were rumoured about the building that had served as the last stronghold of the Aeriels before they were finally driven out of the mortal realm and into Vaan almost six hundred years ago. And Ruban wasn't quite sure how much of it was true and how much was myth anymore.

Theirony of the primary residence of the erstwhile Aeriel monarchy being turnedinto the headquarters of an organisation founded with the main purpose oferadicating Aeriel presence on earth was not lost on him, however. Perhaps theFounding Fathers had been aiming for a symbolic statement when they had chosento convert the nearly-destroyed palace into the IAW headquarters after all.

A Flight of Broken Wings: Aeriel Trilogy #1Where stories live. Discover now