Chapter 4

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I think I never rushed through my routine in the stable as much as I did today, I don't wanna risk First being gone when I reach. My client had about a thousand questions and it took up a lot of my time and it's already quite late now, I hurriedly leave for my car.

"Mr. Ratanakitpaisan!" I turn around and try my best not to roll my eyes "Yes"

"I have a few questions regarding my horse, it just won't do what it's told, maybe I should sell it a horse like that is woth nothing!"

I force a smile on my face, that guy just doesn't know how to work with horses and he's not interested in learning because he believes he's the absolut best "I'm afraid I can't help you make that decision, also I'm off work and I really have somewhere to be, how about I take my time to answer your question another day, how does that sound?" I open the door to my car and proceed to get in 

"But Mr. Ratanakitpaisan, this is very important!" 

I sigh "Will somebody die if I don't answer now? No then I can do it another time" and with that I close the door and drive off. These rich mf are just not used to not getting what  they want the second they call for it. I make my way to the cafe, just something about First is pulling me back there. He caught my attention from the beginning and i really wanna learn more about him.

I reach the cafe to so First, but he's being hugged closely by some other man. It feels like a stab in my heart. Come on Khao you barely know him, how could you just assume he's single? Am I even allowed to feel this hurt when I know nothing but something about him being hugged so tightly and the laugh on his lips it just hurts.

I turn around and I'm about to leave when I hear his voice "Ey Mark! You should hug your girl like that why me?" I stop and keep listening "hey I just wanna hug my best firend can't I and by the way we broke up don't you remember?"

"Yeah sure do, but I thought you already had a new one" I turn around and I see First struggeling to escape the hug "You're suffocating me! What are you even doing here?"

"Oh come on, I just wanna meet that special customer of yours" First slaps his arm and finally manages to escape the hug, I can't help but smile.

"No way leave now! He should be here any second!" and with that he starts pushing him in the direction of the exit, I quickly walk back around a corner and then slowly start walking in the direction of the cafe, I don't want him to know that I've eavesdroped.

"Hi" First says and greets me with a smile "Hi" I say and I walk up to the counter "the usual?" he asks and I can't help but smile, it's just my third time and it's already the usual "Yes" I say and watch him as he prepares my coffee, you van see that he enjoys his job, even though it's just a part time. "here" he says and hands me the coffee, I hand him the money and he smiles.

I walk up to one of the tables and sit down, naturally he sits down with me, this time I didn't even have to ask. And we just watch the people outside walking by, after a while he asks "can I ask you what you  do for a living?"

"I'm a show jumper and horse trainer"

And I watch his reaction on his face,my glance lingers at his eyes, something about his eyes made them so addictive. "Looks like you found your passion, I still don't really know what to do with my life.." and I can see that this uncertaincy really bothers him.

"I mean yeah I really like show jumping and Life.." "Life?"

"my horse" "Oh that's a cool name"

"Yeah I feel like this really fits what I'm doing, but recently I feel like I rarely find time to do what I really like"

"how come?" he looks me straight in the eyes and I can feel his curiosity and his interest, like he really wanted to know. "well, like I said I'm also a horse trainer and I need the benefits I get in the stable from working, also show jumping isn't really something you can live of. So I have to teach, but my clients are mostly rich brats who think that riding a horse makes them look more excuisite. So they're used to getting everything they want and that makes it really exhausting. So it's been really hard to find time to train, except for the weekends maybe and I have competition coming up"

 It's been a while since I talked to someone about how I feel and it feels really good, First just sits there and listens, I didn't know I needed that before this, but it makes me feel seen.

"You think I could come by your stable once?"

"Sure, if you want to, but don't feel obligated to"

"Nah, I really want to go!" and I can see in his face that he means it.

I pull out my phone, "Give me your number so we can set up a date"

He enters his number and I call him, takes out his phone and saves my number as well.

I smile and he sit there for another while just looking outside enjoying the view and the silence and the atmosphere...

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