Chapter E

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"Is Daddy coming with us, to Aunt Evie's house?" Quinn asked while I was doing her hair. 

"Yes, and Uncle Carlos and Jay will be there. Also your cousins and Uncle Carlos's dog Dude so, we are going to bring Gigi and Bear." I explained. I put her in a cute purple romper that went Lovely with her brown hair. 

"You ready to go?" Ben asked walking into her room. 

"Yup!" Quinn bouonced into Ben's open arms. Ben and Quinn already have this special bond. 

"Lets go get Bear and Gigi." I laughed. Quinn took off to the room. 

"Gigi, Bear! Lets get in the jeep!" Quinn got their leashes. 

"Quinn give me the leashes. They are too strong for you." Quinn gave me the leashes and I hooked them on the dog. I gave Gigi's leash to Ben and I took Bear's. Quinn walked in the middle. 

"Are you excited Quinn?" Ben asked strapping her in her car seat. 

"I don't know?" Quinn replied.  Bear and Gigi were pretty excited to be going over to Evie's. 

"How far does Aunt Evie live?" Quinn asked. 

"Not far only about 10 minutes away." Ben answered.  I recognized the road right away. She told me she renovated her started castel. It looked the exact same with her glass sewing room on the right.

"Here we are, Quinn." I saw Evie waiting outside with Carlos and Jay. Ben parked the car and let the dogs out. 

"Friends!" Dude screamed running over to Gigi and Bear. I picked Quinn out of the car and was about to set her on the ground but Quinn requested I hold her. 

"Mal!" Evie ran over and gave me a hug. 

"My favorite niece." Evie took Quinn from me and brought her inside the house. Jane and Looni realized I was here and ran over. 

"We missed you. Carlos said you have a daughter, that is adorable." Jane gushed. 

"Yeah, Evie took her somewhere." I explined. 

"Come on you have to meet the kids. They all know who you are by the way and have seen pictures and videos.  Maya is very happy to finally meet you." Loonie laughed.  All the boy were talking with Ben and watching the dogs outside. 

"Maya, Devin, Myles. Aunt Mal is here." Evie called. 

"What did Aunt Evie do to you?" I asked. Quinn was wearing this mini tiara and holding this massive ball gown dress. 

"Ben asked me to make it. I know my best Friend and that her daughter would be the flower girl and lavender was the perfect dress color. The tiara is the official tiara she will wear as a princess. I just had Belle give it to me." Evie explained. 

"You are going to be so spoiled." I laughed. Jane walked away for a minute. 

"Mommy." Devin yelled. I felt someone hug my legs. 

"Hello, Maya." I laughed. I bent down and picked her up. 

"Hi!" she did not look shy. 

"Dev this is Aunt Mal." Evie laughed. 

"Hello." He waved at me. 

"Hi." He looked just like Evie with his blue hair. 

"Myles and Andy are both asleep in the guest room." Jane said walking back into the room. 

"Well, lets all get some food. I ordered from a resturant. Whos name I forget but the food looks good. I got pasta, pizza, veggies, salad, and fruit." Evie explained. 

"Maya and Dev show Quinn to the kitchen and make our plates. We are going to call the dads in. Then you kids eat outside at the picnic table." Evie requested.  All the kids ran to the kitchen. We all walked towards the slidding door.

"Boys come inside and make a plate for lunch. The  kids have alredy made plates." I called. All the boys walked in and went straight to the kitchen. The rest of us followed. Once everyone had gotten there food we sat at the out door dinning table. The kids had already finished and cleared there places and were drawing in coloring books. 

"While the girls go dress shopping you guys should get together. Get a babysitter for the kids and go have fun together." Evie directed. 

"Yeah, I agree." Loonie added. 

"Sam." I added. 

"Me too." Jane finished. 

Once everyone was done eating the boys went to go play a card game of some sort. We played with the kids and Myles and Andy had woken up. 

"Mommy, where is Gigi and Bear?" Quinn asked. 

"In the backyard." 

"Can I bring them up here?" 

"Put their eashes on first then yes." 

Quinn and Maya raced to the backyard. 

"Mal, have you gone to see your dad yet." Evie asked. 

"yeah, I went yesterday with Quinn to the isle. It looks so much better and i could not be happier. All the kids are going to love it there and hopefully Auradon citizens move onto the isle." I was very happy that i got to see my dad yesterday. I also invited him to come over tomarrow afternoon. 

"Thats good. Jay hasn't let me or Myles see Jafar. He can't be trusted yet he said." 

"Same with Carlos. His mother still wants him to not be a vet and I met her once right after the barrier came down but thats it. She wasn't super thrilled when Carlos told her about Anderson." Jane sighed. 

"I let the kids see mom once but she is living in the retirement home on the isle and Dav and Maya were both scared of her at first but mom fussed over how pretty Maya is and how she needs to Marry a prince. She also wants me to divorce Doug so,we aren't going to be going over there for a while." Evie sighed. 

"Quinn loved my dads place. But mom is the one she is never going to be allowed to see. even if she is in a chained up closet in my dads house." Just as i was finishing this sentence Gigi came racing over. 

"Quinn why is she not on a leash." I sighed. 

"She is just she is way stronger than I am." Quinn laughed. 

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