DINO-Bratty Little🍼

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Little: Dino

Caregivers: SEVENTEEN (mainly 95 liners)

Requested: SandieMandie_7

NOTE: I don't know anything about silent treatment so if I made some mistakes, please do let me know :'D

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NOTE: I don't know anything about silent treatment so if I made some mistakes, please do let me know :'D

Also, I am not comfortable writing this kind of things so please understand huhu. This book is mostly about fluff so I'll just stick into this :')

LASTLY...I am SO bad at making titles hdhshfd


"Hyung, what do you mean, giving him silent treatment?" Seungkwan asked

"Don't you think he'll be upset if we give him silent treatment?" Vernon said

"I know it will upset him, but it's the only way to make him understand his wrong doings" Seungcheol sighed he brushed his hand on his face and let out an exhausted exhale

Jeongan rubbed his boyfriend's back and sighed, "Don't act like you guys are getting annoyed at him too and want to do something to make him behave"

Everyone just stayed silent and quietly agreed to what Jeonghan said...

You see, Dino had slipped during their day off and the members are happy that their friends had a chance to be stress free. But they weren't expecting little Dino becoming a very bratty child and has been annoying and causing problems.

His hyungs tried to teach him to behave and understand what he did wrong but the little just won't listen. He's also been using his maknae card alot when they go out to the park or a toy store...

"I know we're all tired of him pulling his "maknae card" but we can't do anything else but to give him this" Jeonghan said

Hoshi sighed, "What if something happens?" He asked

"We'll never know, but if anything happens, we'll stop" Seungcheol replied

Everyone nodded and headed to their rooms and do whatever they want to do.

Meanwhile, little Dino was in his room playing with his toys and was feeling lonely. So he went out and tried to find someone to annoy but to his disappointment, no one was in the living room.

He suspected that everyone might be in their own rooms so he got excited and went to his first victim...Jeonghan

He entered the 2nd oldest's room and saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan sleeping and cuddling.

He tried to shake the older awake, "hyungieeeee i lonely" he said as he continued to shake the older making him groan

"Ughhh go awayyyyyy and play with someone else" Seungcheol said and Dino just pouted and left the room cause, he doesn't want to disturb them and get scolded by a scary Seungcheol, so he quietly closed the door and went to his second victim...

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