Prologue: Reincarnation

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\From one moment to the next, I lay in a baby carrier. The man...or woman carrying me wore a hood and robe, making it difficult to see his face. In the grand scheme of things, I wasn't sure where I was or who I was. The landscape was blurry too, it was difficult to look at the trees and such when it was that dark out. I looked around the snowy landscape, no real knowledge of anything really. I soon fell asleep. The next time I woke up I remember is being placed on the doorstep of my adopted mother and fathers cabin. It was on a mountain. The humanoid figure next to me knocked on the door, then disappeared in a flash of smoke that only I could see. I saw my adopted parents. They took the letter and read it. They both smiled and took me in, bringing me up stairs and placing me in a crib. The next morning, my father took me out of my crib and fed me breakfast. Though I wasn't sure what it was at first, the white liquid was milk. He put the bottle in my mouth. At first it took me a moment to really accept it, but when I did I noticed myself calming down immediately. My parents smiled while they fed me. This is what went on for months. The following years afterword were peaceful. Everyday I would get up, have breakfast with my mom and dad, dad would train me when I was six-teen years old in self defense and sword wielding. One day, when it was my twelfth birthday, the day went on the same. I got up and looked around. My room was painted in a cyan blue the ceiling white. I had a bookshelf with loads of different dragon species. I looked beside my bed to see the egg I had with me ever since I was a baby. 'I hope you hatch someday...' I think to myself. I rub the rough shell of the dragon egg, a smile crossing my lips. I heard my mothers voice coming from downstairs.

"Jayson! Breakfast! Oh, and Future, Kai and Colby are here as well!" My ears, similar to a dragon and a type of feline perk up. I look at myself in the mirror, my scales were barely visible with the white skin. I looked over at the boxes, remembering I needed to unpack. 'I forgot, we moved from Mt. Halo a few weeks ago...the climate is so different here then it was on the mountain...' I heard my mothers voice again. "Jayson, you coming?" I take a moment tot call back to her, my voice a bit quieter "I'm coming mom." I walk over to my window beside my bed, the hill looking over the large city that was to the north. A few birch and oak trees with a path in front of it. 'It's so nice here...though I have to get ready' a few minutes went by while I got ready. I wore something simple: a black shirt with a sky blue sweatshirt and jeans. My mother called again. "Jayson? You coming down?" While I walked down the stairs.

"Right here mom" I said, my light blue eyes sparkling while having a smile on my face. I walked through the living room. A TV was there, something I hadn't seen until now. It was a mixture of small microscopic scales and white Caucasian skin. My eyes were slanted like a dragons...which made me think 'huh...I wonder if Dad knows about the Dragarians.' I sat down in the middle of my mom and dad. Future smirked and said "well, took you long enough" Kai looked at Future with a roll of his eyes. "Come on man, try to not pick on him." Colby stayed silent for a bit, but nodded in agreement. With Kai. I, however was solely focused on eating. 'Mom made her famous Egg and Carp shrimp omelets' I thought with a singe of excitement, the sweet yet zesty taste of the Carp mixed in with the Cheese, eggs and Veggies all coming together to make an expert taste with each bite...well for me anyway. Future, Kai and Colby went with regular scrambled eggs. I looked outside and noticed the town. "Hey, want to go into town today and see if they have any new stock?" I ask, still staring out to the town. 'something It's like I can sense something is in trouble. Kai, Colby and Future all nod, though Future noticed the same thing. Everyone nodded to my idea. When I finished up my breakfast, I went outside and sat in the chair that was beside a Sakura tree, the leaves made a soft crunch with each step I took. I wore steel toe boots.

After a couple of minutes of waiting and meditating, Kai, Colby and Future all came out with me. My father soon walked out and placed his hand on my shoulder. "If something is off...maybe it's best you stay here." I looked at my father, he was looking at the town like me and Future was. "Dad...are you sure?" My father looked at me, a mixture of pride and...was that sadness? Either way, he sighed and said "well...just be careful. Even if theres peace in the Spirit Realm...we don't know how long it'll last for.

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