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"I'm afraid I cannot help you with that jyesth." Roopmati chuckled as she moved her pieces in the game. "Did you not learn about warfare, priya bhagini? I thought as putrika you did." Yudhistir said.

"Warfare never interested me. I did learn to make and break few chakravyuh since they seemed fun but no more than that." Roopmati said. "You know how to make and break a chakravyuh yet you claim not to know about warfare? That does not add up, Roopmati." Bheem commented as he watched the game between Yudhistir and Roopmati.

"Making chakravyuh is tricky but a fun way to challenge my brain. But breaking a chakravyuh is a different topic, I can break them by using my brain and moving the pieces but never by myself. I'm no trained warrior." Roopmati said moving another piece.

"Making chakravyuh? And fun? I prefer breaking it, that seems easier to me." Bheem said. "Ofcourse bhrata Bheem, you feel breaking it more fun than making since making chakravyuh is reserved for the smart ones." Nakul said.

"That husband of yours is going to die any day now, Roopmati. He's been playing with fire ever since he married you." Bheem said. "What arya means to say is that you are physically the strongest here bhratashree. Without your brawns the brain that breaks the chakravyuh is useless, you are the key point here bhratashree." Roopmati said. "That's exactly what I meant!" Nakul said, Yudhistir, Arjun, Roopmati and Shahadev smiled slightly shaking their head knowing Nakul was just finding ways to mess with Bheem.

"You always save him like this. No wonder why he's getting bolder each time while messing with bhrata Bheem." Shahadev said to Roopmati.

Roopmati once again won the game against Yudhistir. "I think we need to change the game next time. I don't think I'm winning against you in this game, at least in this lifetime." Yudhistir chuckled.

"Where are you going now?" Shahadev asked catching Roopmati's veil as she stood up to leave. "Mata had called me to prepare for tomorrow." she answered.

"Pranipat Rajkumaro, Rajkumari. Rajkumar Duryodhan told us to  deliver these to you." the das said as he had brought the heavy armors that Duryodhan had rejected claiming that they are reserved for the weak and sent it to the Pandavas.

Roopmati knew this was going to upset Bheem but she was already getting late to meet her mother-in-law like she had promised so she quietly left the room letting the five brothers discuss the matter.




"Mata? Did I make the right decision?" Roopmati asked Kunti anxiously as she prepared the aarti thaali. "Rest assured, putri. You did the right thing." Kunti assured her caressing her head. 

"Now just believe in my sons and pray to the supreme for their victory." Kunti said signalling her to start the pooja for the day. Roopmati did just what he mother-in-law said and started the pooja.

"Soubhagyavati bhava." Kunti blessed Roopmati who gave her the aarti after finishing the pooja. "I hope there is some prasad left for us as well before the thaali reaches bhrata Bheem." Nakul said. Roopmati proceeded to give them the aarti and prasad starting from the eldest Yudhistir.

"When did you come here putro?" Kunti asked. "Just midway to the aarti mata. None of us could get sleep since we are leaving in just few hours, we needed to make sure everything was all set." Yudhistir said.

"Where is arya Shahadev?" Roopmati asked as she gave Nakul the aarti and prasad at last and not finding Shahadev. "I don't know, we haven't seen him since the morning." Arjun said. "Probably calculating the auspicious time or looking into the future." Nakul said nonchalantly.

Something seemed to have sparked in Roopmati's mind. "Mata! I shall go and give the aarti and prasad to arya Shahadev. I will return quickly and then accompany you to meet badi maa Gandhari." Roopmati said. "Sure, go putri." Kunti said.

With that Roopmati hurried to the chambers of her husband. "Arya! Arya!" Shahadev who was reading some scriptures smiled as he heard the sounds of her payals hurrying down the corridor nearing to his room.

"What is it Roopmati?" Shahadev asked putting his scroll down and giving his undivided attention to his wife since the moment she stepped in.

Roopmati first gave him the aarti and prasad then took her seat besides him. "Aryaa." she started and Shahadev looked at her while a smile noticing her tone. "I want-.... You already know what I'm going to ask right?" she said. 

"How can I know that priye?" Shahadev replied. "Arya, you have the boon to see the future. Ofcourse you do." Roopmati said. "Yes, but my wife, I'm afraid I cannot answer your question since I'm forbid to do so." Shahadev said.

"All I will say is worry not priye, no matter what happens in the future, my path will always lead right back to you. Your husbands will always make it back to you." Shahadev said holding her hands assuring her.

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