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Forgot to say this in the introduction page but I'll be doing my own character x character scenarios, and I could probably take some requests as I see fit. Just leave a comment and I'll see if I can do it. I can't guarantee I will do it, as I'm kind of killing myself with the amount of works I have to do. Some of these things are out-of-character because I feel like it. All I have to say for now, so bye!


"Put that cigarette down!" The Frenchwoman demanded, thrusting her arms down. Cú, the woman's boyfriend, was a chain smoker. A habit he picked up from a fellow fisherman. Not his greatest achievement, as all he would receive is a scolding for his efforts. Just when he thought that he had some alone-time. Just when he lit his cigarette, Jeanne had to come in and ruin his parade. He hid in the alleyway, by the church, on a Sunday. Not the brightest idea he had, as his woman always loved going to morning mass. Of course he'd bump into her. She reasoned that quitting was for his own good, but if his body was telling him to light the cigarette, was it really good for him to say no? He would eventually listen to her pleas, as he'd rather say no to the dart than to the love of his life—especially when she gave the puppy-eyed look.

He sighed playfully, putting a hand to her head. "Alright, alright. I'll drop it." Said the Irishman before dropping what he held into a puddle. Jeanne pulled him by his shoulders, standing on the tip of her toes to deliver a swift peck to his cheek. "Not on the lips this time?" He snickered, lightly punching her shoulder.

She huffed, "Now you don't deserve it." With that, his upward attitude quickly took a turn. He hunched over, a frown on his face. He resembled a dog, tail between their legs as they walked away in shame, being scolded by their master. The blonde giggled, giving the kiss he so very wished for.

He'll quit smoking one of these days, that's for sure.


First one done! I might actually make a part 2, but for now this is it. Only took me twenty minutes, but what are your thoughts? I'd love to hear some suggestions from all of you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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