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A/N: Most of the story will be in the POV of Sophia. I will indicate it of the POV's change

After we helped the crew load the equipment onto the trucks, we all headed back inside to decide what we wanted to do for the rest of the night. We all exchanged numbers and made a giant groupchat so we can keep in touch.

"Well are you boys tired?" Miyah asks.

"Yeah touring is always tiring," Chris says with a chuckle.

"Who's not tired?" I asked. Noah, Vinny, Jolly, Nicholas, Nick, Anthony, and Tristin raised their hands.

"Maybe we could go walk around or hang out in one of the hotel rooms," Zavanna suggests

"I'm down," I say

"Sounds like a plan. We can hang our room since none of us wanna sleep," Noah Seb suggests.

"Perfect. Wanna stop somewhere and get drinks and snacks?" I ask.

"There is a convenience store around the corner from the hotel," Jolly says.

After parting our respective ways once we reached near the hotel. Noah Seb, Vinny, Jolly and I headed inside to get some snacks and drinks. I know that Noah Seb, Jolly and I drink but Vinny smokes.

"Hey Sophia have you tried this beer?" Noah Seb asks holding up Modelo beer in his hand. I nod and smile.

"Yeah I like Modelo Espeical the best," I say

"Ah a light beer girl," Jolly says chuckling, grabbing a 18 rack of bud light.

"Yeah I also like Mich Ultra," I say grabbing a 12 rack of it.

"That beer is gross Sophia," Noah Seb says while laughing.

"Well at least I'm the only one drinking it," I say smirking. Noah Seb rolls his eyes chuckling.

"Alright alright lets get snacks," Jolly says. We walk over to Vinny and see him eyeing the snacks.

"Which snacks do you want?" I ask and Vinny turns to look at us.

"Looking at cookies and chips," He says. I see double stuffed oreos and quickly grab it. Vinny raises an eyebrow at me and I chuckle.

"What? It's my favorite cookies," I say. I look to see Miyah in here getting her monsters and coffee. I swear she lives off caffeine.

"Now we know," Noah says chuckling. After getting snacks and drinks, we head back to the hotel. We walk for a little bit and get to their room. Taryn and Noah became tired so they went back to our room. Zavanna wasn't feeling well so she went back with them. Tristin also decided to go back to their room and chill out. Now it was just me, Miyah, Noah Seb, Nicholas, Nick, Vinny, and Anthony in the hotel room. I turn on the tv and see that we can hook up our Spotify or YouTube accounts to it.

"Hey guys" I ask

"Yeah?" They all reply

"Wanna watch YouTube videos or listen to music?" I ask

"YouTube videos," Vinny says

"Haunted ghost videos," Miyah says smirking. I giggle and get excited.

"My love language," I say giggling.

"Ghosts aren't real though," Nicholas says and I look at him.

"If only you knew what I have experienced and what Miyah is," I say and he shrugs.

"Haunted videos it is," Anthony says and I squeal. I turn log my YouTube account and turn on Mindjunkie. I grab a beer and cookies, sitting on the edge of one of the queen beds. Vinny grabs some chips and sat next to me. Noah Seb sat on the other queen bed, laying down after he changed into more comfortable clothes. Nick wanted to take a shower so Nicholas and Jolly were laying down in the bed I was on. Vinny moved to the floor while Miyah and Anthony sat on the couch.

"Have you boys experienced anything spooky?" I ask as the video plays.

"Not really," Jolly says. Mostly everyone agrees but I have a different story.

"I have," I say, feeling goosebumps creep onto my skin. I think of what I've experienced while in college and some frightening experience I had.

"What were they like?" Jolly asks.

"One was really scary but most of them were cool," I say

"You get effected?" Anthony asks and I nod.

"I feel energy, can feel spirits, get full body chills when it comes the paranormal. Sometimes I can't fully explain it but I get feelings and visions," I say

"Visions? Like That's So Raven?" Nicholas asks while laughing.

"No. But it happens and it's freaky Nich," I say getting hurt that he was laughing about this,

"Ignore Nich..he has always been a skeptic," Noah Seb says. Nicholas stops laughing and apologies.

"It's ok," I say. We watch Youtube videos for another two hours before Miyah, Anthony, Vinny and I decide to call it a night.

"This was fun but I am exhausted," I say, standing up and stretching. Noah Seb gets up and walks over to me.

"We will see you all tomorrow then," He says with a smile.

"See you boys tomorrow," I say smiling back.

"See you guys tomorrow," Nicholas, Nick and Jolly say.

I turn to walk away but I feel something pulling at my hand. I look back and see Noah.

"No hug?" He asks grinning. I giggle and give him a hug. He hugs me back chuckling. I leave the room with Vinny since Anthony and Miyah wanted to go back to their rooms. I walk with Vinny to mine and thank him for walking me back.

"What no hug?" He says mimicking Noah slightly. I shake my head and give him a hug laughing.

"See you in the morning Vinny," I say and open the door, walking in. I kick my boots off and stretch. I change into comfy clothes and take my makeup off. I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.

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