The oneshot turned twoshot

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You are the chief policeman of your precinct. Just receiving your shiny new promotion a few days ago everything was strangely running smooth, which for New York shouldn't be normal at all. It was almost troubling. "Good afternoon, Sir." Officer Morales softly knocked on your office door. You're still getting used to having your own office, working in a cubicle for the past ten years was slowly driving you insane. "Morales! Come in, come in!"

The bulky man entered the room holding a box of donuts. "We ain't never beating these pig allegations huh?" He chuckled and set the pastries on your desk. "Parker just brought a few boxes of these in and since it's a slow day I thought we could chat."
There's your friend. You and Jeff had been buddies since training, him entering your office now and again was a very very pleasant pleasantry. Something that you both unfortunately couldn't afford.

"Sure sure, how's Miles? Keeping up with studies? What was that fancy school called again? Something with Brooklyn..." You held a finger to you chin in fake thought. You hadn't stopped hearing about that damn school from Jeff. Miles really was his pride and joy. "Haha, very funny wise guy. It's Brooklyn Visions Academy." You say in unison with him, giving him a smug smile.

"Well he's doing great! Though, heard he hasn't been doing great Spanish..Rio's all over his ass with that one." That earned a hearty laugh from you. "Doesn't know Spanish? Jesus Jeff, you'd think the boy would be trilingual by now. English, Spanish and Greek or something. You see that boy's grades in mathematics? Astronomical!" You fold your arms and lean back. Tickling Jeff's ego always makes him give that charming smile, that really is all you want for him, happiness.

"Yeah, I'm glad he's doing so great in his education,, They don't really give us chances to succeed.." He sighed softly, the smile short lived. You noticed that your promotion was probably taken away from Jeff for some reason... It was really coming to light day by day.

"Hey, I, I'm sorry man. You deserved this just as much as I did." You tried to comfort him. "Wrong place, right time, I guess.." You reached out a hand to grasp his but he pulled away. That hurt. "Y'know I could've gotten it..but damn I had to talk to that Spider kid." He grunted and looked at his lap.

"You talked to him? Why didn't you tell me?" You were his friend but on top of that you were his boss and this information was very very vital. "Look man, it was nothing. I had to scold him...He was acting so reckless! Exactly like miles and if that were my son I wouldn't want him to die!" You gave him a pointed look.

"Instead of bringing the vigilante in for questioning you...lectured him? Jeff!" You were getting annoyed. Sure, Spiderman did a lot of good but the police are there for a reason! That reason is to reinforce the law and they didn't need a little kid potentially getting hurt or hurting other people, causing colateral damage!

"This promotion really got to your head huh?" Your eye's widened, you and Jeff have the same opinions on Spiderman! Why the sudden change? And the disrespect! "Maybe you should get off the Kid's ass." He got up and turned towards the door.

"Wait, Jeff! I—!" He closed the door before you could finish the sentence. " 'm sorry..."

You sigh and slump into your chair. The great lumbar support really wasn't helping your aching heart. This was your argument with your Ex-wife all over again...
You always tend to escalate these situations. Spiderman wasn't even that bad! Your kid loved that masked vigilante, God! This is gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow.

You couldn't bare facing Jeff again so you buried yourself in your work for hours and hours until you finally got another knock on the door. "Sir, we got another guy in the jail, was caught trying to rob an ATM machine in a bodega." You simply nodded at the officer and went back to work. You'll deal with it later.

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