An intro in their lives

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Shaheer sat on his bike, sweaty after a whole day shoot. Life had been sweet and busy specially after Mahabharata and the Thailand trip. And he welcomed it all with open arms. He drived through the traffic and finally reached his destination.

Infront of me stood the large building as my lips morphed into a grin on my plan. I parked my bike and took the elevator to the fifteenth floor. My heart began racing as the door of the elevator opened and I jogged towards my destination. The door was infront of me and it was easy to differentiate it with others conserdering the beautiful plants at its side. I rang the bell and a soft voice spoke 'coming' as footsteps echoed. The door opened and she came out wearing a mid thigh length blue shirt with a cute puppy with it. Understandable as she love dogs. She looked up with a 'who is it' expression which change to shocked and then to surprise and at last to happiness and then out of blue she jumped in my embrace and squealed as I held her strongly in my arms and let out a laughter because of her child like glee. I couldn't stop the happiness inside me as she was basically jumping with happiness and lifted her up in bridal style. She dugged her face in my shoulder and circled her hands around my neck as I brought her in and kicked the door open. We both were flushed with excitement and she was still kicking her legs playfully in air as I carried her to the couch. I kissed her forehead before landing her on the couch and sat near her.

"Miss me?" I asked her looking into her gorgeous big brown eyes that were twinkling like stars.

"A lot...a lot Shaheer....oh gosh what a surprise....I can't are gosh...finally we are together...," She squealed again taking me into a tight hug causing me to lie flat on my back because of all the force my lioness had used. But this was expected specially after a week and half of not seeing each other. And now all I want to do is to enjoy this moments with her in my arms. She mumbled something inaudible as I was caressing her hair that she had tied in a bun.

"Sorry I can't hear what you said Pooji...can you repeat again?" I requested my girlfriend who lifted her head from my chest and looked at me slowly lifting herself towards my face as I finally freed her long hair that created a curtain around us.

"I asked you if you are staying tonight...plzzz...pllzzz," Pooja pouted out with the most beautiful puppy eyed look and I, Shaheer Sheikh, have no shame in sharing that I have never ever won against that look.

"As the queen of my heart demands," I spoke back in mock serious voice as she playfully smacked my biceps not able to control the most adorable smile from spreading on her lips.

"So my king, have you eaten anything?" She asked as she sat back on the couch and looked at me with stern expression. She did it everytime she smelled of a lie not that I am good in lieing infront of her.

"No," I admitted as her glare grew sharper before she huffed and dragged me to her kitchen. I sat on the slab admiring her as she tied her hair again and started making tomato rice for me as she scolded me for not informing her so that she could have made something better for me but what to do? I have to see her expression when she would see me infront of her eyes, surprised. And it had been worth it. I still can't forget the image of her flushed face as I had freed her hair from the clutcher. When I informed her of thus, she blushed again causing me to giggle as I pressed another kiss on her forehead. She kissed me back on the cheeks and muttered 'thank you' before going back to work. I got freshed meanwhile and changed into comfortable clothes as told to do my lady love and sat on the Sofa where she had served me my dinner which smelled absolutely delicious and tasted much better as well. I pulled her towards me and fed her a bit too before gulping down the tasty food made by her as she went to set the bed for the night.

It was a cosy night. Me on the bed caressing her hair that was lying like a pool around me as she smuggled closer to my chest. The softness and warmth was making me drowsy as Pooja cuddled with me randomly kissing me on the heart or neck as I told her about my shoots and work and asked her about hers. We both have been busy recently with shoots and all. She was going through new scripts and had shortlisted some and mine had began in just a day or two at most. I don't know when we both slept cuddling each other but that was the best night I had after days.

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