Ch1: Shipwrecked

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The salty sea air filled their lungs as they boarded the luxurious cruise ship, eager for a week of relaxation and adventure. They were strangers, each with their own hopes and fears, but united in their excitement for the journey ahead.

As the ship set sail, the sun sank low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the deck. But as night fell, the calm seas turned turbulent, and the ship was battered by a fierce storm. The passengers clung to the rails, their screams drowned out by the howling wind and crashing waves.

Suddenly, there was a sickening crunch as the ship collided with something hard. The passengers were thrown to the ground as the ship tilted dangerously to one side. Panic set in as they realized they were stranded on a deserted island, far from civilization.

As they stumbled ashore, the group was disoriented and confused. They tried to make sense of their situation, but the reality of their predicament was overwhelming. With no means of communication with the outside world, they were completely alone, stranded on the island with no idea of how to survive.

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