💫 Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3️⃣ 💫

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Addison was nervous to say the least when Wendy officially introduced her to the woman she now knew to be the Queen and matriarch of the MC, Gemma Teller-Morrow

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Addison was nervous to say the least when Wendy officially introduced her to the woman she now knew to be the Queen and matriarch of the MC, Gemma Teller-Morrow.

She couldn't find fault in herself for feeling that way when meeting Gemma though. The older woman actually reminded her a lot of Rosalie back in Forks especially when they'd first met.

Like Rosalie with her siblings and adopted parents, Addison could tell that the older woman on the opposite side of the desk from herself was very protective and a force to be reckoned when it came to her loved ones.

The 14 year old also got the feeling that Gemma wasn't a person that you wanted to cross. She even made a mental note to herself to make sure that she stayed on her good side as much as possible.

"So, Wendy said that you have some questions for me."

Addison confirmed that what the older blonde had told her was true and that she had actually been told by her mother that had told her to look her up here in Charming.

"Who exactly is your mother, sweetheart?"

"Her name is Renée. Her last name used to be Swan like mine but she got married again last year so it's now Dwyer, I think."

Gemma's eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion at Addison's uncertainty about her mother's new surname which the 14 year old noticed and explained that she didn't have much of a relationship with her mother which is why she doesn't bother to keep with something like that much.

"I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart. I didn't have much of a relationship with my own mother either. It's water under the bridge at this point though. But yeah, I definitely remember Renée. I remember her other daughter, Isabella wasn't it?"

Addison felt her entire body go completely stiff at the mention of her so called sister's name which definitely didn't go unnoticed by the brunette behind the desk. She decided to not push the teen about the matter for the moment though.

"Well, like I said a minute ago, I definitely remember Reneé. She wasn't here in town for all that long ago. I can only really think of two possibilities as to who here she could have gotten pregnant with you by. You'll likely need to get a DNA test done down at the hospital to know for sure though. If you're interested, that is."

Addison assured the older woman that she was more than okay with getting the test done.

"Sounds good. I'll talk to my daughter in law tonight about if she can do it for you. She's a doctor down at the hospital so she'll know what needs to be done with the test. It probably won't be done until tomorrow morning since she's about to get off work for the day though."

Wendy who had been sitting silently during the conversation spoke up just then and informed Gemma that Addison was welcome to spend the night at her home and that she would be okay with driving her down to St. Thomas first thing in the morning.

"Would that be okay with you, sweetie?"

Addison confirmed that she was more than okay with what Wendy had suggested.

Just then, the loud rumbling of motorcycles could be heard out in the lot. Addison could feel herself starting to become nervous again and thankfully Wendy noticed this right away and suggested to the younger girl that they head out and go to her house.

"Sounds like a good idea, Miss Wendy. Sorry if I seem so nervous right now. I'm not usually like this most of the time."

"It's okay, sweetie. Also, you can just call me Wendy if you want."


A/N: Another chapter of this story is done!

So which of the guys do you think is gonna be revealed to be Addison's real father?

How do you think Addison is handling everything that's happening to her right now?

Please feel free to vote and comment below to let me know what you guys think!

I hope that you all have a great day/afternoon/night depending on where you may be, stay safe and remember that you are all amazing, beautiful and make sure to stay safe out there!!❤❤

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