Chapter one

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Hi my name is Andrew, I am a dragon hybrid, 'my now boyfriend Nick'is a human, his family if known for being the only humans in the world, everyone is supposted to get their hybrid by 12 and Nick thought that maybe he would be the only one in is family to get a hybrid, but his dreams were crushed as soon as he turned 16 he thought he was just a late bloomer but instead he just let himself down by thinking that, after at least 3 years he accepted it, and after we got married and adopted kids and had the best rest of our lifes'

Nick: Andrew?

Andrew: ...

Nick: ANDREW!!

Andrew: oh sorry.

Nick: stop daydreaming about things and listen!

Andrew: oh sorry I was thinking about that I am a drangon and your not!

Nick: oh fuck off!

Andrew: sorry.

Nick: am I still allowed over this weekend?

Andrew: odviosly!!

Nick: ok good, I thought when you where daydreaming you where daydreaming about a girl.

Andrew: I already told you that I was daydreaming about that I am a dragon and your not.

Nick: ya ya whatever.

Andrew: why dont you come over today, I mean it is a friday.

Nick: a sure.

3rd person POV:

After school Andrew took Nick home they made sure that Andrews parents didnt see Nick because Andrews parents dont like him hanging out with Nick because he is human, Andrew made sure that Nick got in the house safly and not get cought.

Andrew: If my parents come up here and knock on the door dont anwser, go to the bathroom.

Nick: Yes Ik the drill, you dont have to tell me everytime I come over.

Andrew: but I just wanted to make sure you are safe.

Nick: Ik just go down to your parents already!

Andrew: okay make yourself at home.

Nick: It wouldnt be like home if I am stuck in here!!

Andrew closed the door and walked down the stairs Nick made sure he couldnt here Andrew anymore before he did anything.

Nick: I wonder how long it is gonna take him to talk with his parents?

Nick walked into the bathroom and covered his mouth and started to jerk himself off, Nick had alway liked Andrew ever since they met, but Nick didn't know that Andrew liked him too and Nick didn't know that Andrew was walking up the stairs, Nick heard Andrew come close to the door but he didn't stop, he kept jerking himself off, he wanted Andrew to hear him and he wanted Andrew to fuck him

Andrews POV:

I walked into my room and heard muffled moans, I forgot that Nick was here so I was wondering who was here. Once I realized that it was Nick, my dick got hard, I kept my cool and listened in to what Nick was saying,

Nick: Mhhnm~ A-Andrew.~

' damn' I thought I said that in my head but then I heard Nick stop.

Nick: A-andrew?! H-how long have you been there?

Andrew: For about a few mins I think.

Nick came out of the bathroom a blushing mess, I knew he was embaressed that I heard him, he looked like he wanted me, but I think it was someone else named Andrew, I think there is an Andrew in his math class, but I have never seen him, there is just no way that he would moan my name even though I heard him say Andrew but, it might be a different person, he looked at me with despret eyes, I looked right in them I dont know what to do he looked so inocent but I know he has 'those' kind of thoughts if he didn't he wouldn't be jerking of and moaning my name or someone's name

Nicks POV:

I can't beleive that he caught me, I dont know what to do, I just look at him despretly and he stairs into my eyes and I feel my legs wobble, I try to make them stop but they wont Its like they have a mind of there own, and then I hear his mom yell his name

Athena: ANDREW!!!

Andrew: YES MOM?



Andrew: stay in there ok.

Nick: ok.

Andrew walked away and I closed the door making sure it doesnt make too much noise, I go back to jerking myself off because I knew that their talk would take a while

Nick: Mhhnm~ AAAaaaHHHhhhh.~

I covered my mouth just to make sure they dont hear me, next thing I know is that Andrews mom is stomping up the stairs, I quickly put my pants back on and lock the door and stepping far away from it.

Athena: NICK!! I know you are in there unlock the door. NOW!!!

I could here she was mad I didn't know what to do Andrew live on the secend floor and I hated how high it was, I wasnt going to jump, even if my life depends on it. she then tried to knock down the door, and ended up knocking it down, I was cornered, I saw Andrew trying to calm her down but she didn't listen, she looked like she was going to burn me, I was ready for her to let her firery breath at me but insted she hit me and she made sure that it would make a mark and it did.

Athena: I want you gone by tomorrow, got that?

Nick: Y-yes m-ma'am.

Athena: Good, move.

Andrew moved out of her way and ran straight to me.

Andrew: Nick, are you okay?

Nick: Ya, Im fine.

Andrew got out his medkit and patched up my bruse, it looked like it was bleeding a little, I was still in shock about what she said, she let me stay for one night, normally she wouldn't even let me stay today I don't know why she let my stay. I ended up wandering in my thoughts trying to figur out why she let me stay but then Andrew snapped me out.

Andrew: Dude you moaned way too loud my mom thought I brought you over to fuvk you.

Nick: what?! No way.

Andrew: Ya, thats why she stormed in here, and when she realized it was you, she for some reason calmed down but acted like she was gonna kill you.

Nick: Oh, thats weird.

Andrew: Ya I know and her being my mother Im a bit scared.

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